OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

[ebxml-msg] Messaging and CPPA meetings in San Diego,week of March 10 to 14

  • 1.  [ebxml-msg] Messaging and CPPA meetings in San Diego,week of March 10 to 14

    Posted 01-29-2003 11:25
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

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    Subject: [ebxml-msg] Messaging and CPPA meetings in San Diego,week of March 10 to 14

    I have not heard from Ian yet, but I am trying to see whether CPPA and
    Messaging could have their face to face meetings (with one joint
    overlapping session) the week of March 10 to 14. [This is the UN/CEFACT
    San Diego option.]
    There is one conflict with Ecom in Tokyo, but there may be no practical
    way to stick with March and avoid that conflict.
    I would propose that Messaging go first, and CPPA second so that CPPA
    can add the messaging changes to its agenda. CPPA would have one day for
    the Negotiation specification and a second for maintenance and
    discussions of our approach to extensibility (requirements and basic
    design options).
    I need to let Ralph B. know soon! We would have to pay something to
    cover conference costs. The max. would be about $250. We should also
    plan on staying in the Hilton and reserve rooms the next week or so
    (this helps Ralph and others get good rates on the meeting rooms).
    Please comment!
    Should we have a joint teleconference for 15 minutes to decide?
    We could use our CPA slot on January 31 (8 AM Pacific) if it is useful.
    Dale Moberg

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