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Subject: Re: [wsia] Draft agenda for June 26-27 F2F
Mike -- The following folks are potential Thursday attendees, i.e. are
related to WSIA...Anyone not on this list please notify Mike ASAP if you
plan to attend next week's F2F in person, or by phone. Please let him
know whether you will attend WSRP (Mon/Tue/Wed), WSIA (Wed/Thurs), or
Royston Sellman
Monica J. Martin
Rex Brooks
Dan Gisolfi
Tim Jones
Graeme Riddell
Wilson Kirk
Sandra Swearingen
Terry Cline
Srinivas Vadhri
Sandra Swearingen
Charlie Wiecha
Jeff Broberg
Rick Thompson
Eric van Lydegraf
Alan Kropp
Eilon Reshef
Sasha Aikins
Joe Rudnicki
Gil Tayor
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