OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

[wsia] Re: [wsrp][interfaces] separate administration interface,requirements

  • 1.  [wsia] Re: [wsrp][interfaces] separate administration interface,requirements

    Posted 06-12-2002 07:58
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

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    Subject: [wsia] Re: [wsrp][interfaces] separate administration interface,requirements

    I agree with these requirements, but second Carsten's question about how
    this is/should be different from using the setProperty interfaces in the
    joint spec?
    In particular, I see three related use cases:
    'Personalization' of a portlet is when users customize the configuration
    and settings of a portlet for themselves -- this case is covered by the
    traditional edit mode of the portlet, i.e. through a UI not through a
    property/data based mechanism
    'Administration' of a portlet is when users customize the configuration
    and settings of a portlet for users other than themselves - you have
    proposed a separate Administrative property/metadata based approach for
    this case.
    'Customization' - one of the WSIA use cases - in which the Consumer program
    performs "administration" in the midst of user interaction via getting and
    setting property values.
    I would like to be sure that we consider the spectrum of non-UI based
    customizations, whether design time or run time, together.
    Alejandro Abdelnur <alejandro.abdelnur@sun.com> on 06/10/2002 07:38:04 PM
    To:    wsrp@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject:    [wsrp][interfaces] separate administration interface,
    As promised, I've compiled a list of requirements on this matter. Please
    let me know of any corrections/additions.
    * Definitions for the purposes of the requirements that follow:
    'Configuration and settings' of a portlet are attributes that act as
    parameters for the behavior or functionality of a portlet. For example,
    a NewsPortlet could be configured to display sport news from Europe.
    'Personalization' of a portlet is when users customize the configuration
    and settings of a portlet for themselves.
    'Administration' of a portlet is when users customize the configuration
    and settings of a portlet for users other than themselves.
    * Requirements:
    [R-##1] WSRP SHOULD provide a mechanism for administering portlet
    configuration and settings.
    [R-##2] WSRP SHOULD NOT assume that administration of portlet
    configuration an settings is dependent on any particular UI framework.
    [R-##3] WSRP SHOULD provide a mean to describe the configuration and
    setting attributes of a portlet as metadata.
    [R-##4] WSRP SHOULD NOT impose a specific configuration and settings
    attributes data model on the producer.
    [R-##5] WSRP SHOULD NOT require a portlet to be displayed by a consumer
    in order to be administered.
    [R-##6] WSRP SHOULD allow different security requirements for
    administration and personalization functions.
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