OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

[xacml] Chapter 2 & 3 Review

  • 1.  [xacml] Chapter 2 & 3 Review

    Posted 08-21-2002 14:46
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

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    Subject: [xacml] Chapter 2 & 3 Review

    I've completed my review of Chapter 2 & 3 and have attached the MSWord
    file with the track changes on.
    It went pretty well, except for some of the things that I had broght up,
    and I've incorporated Anne's clarifications on one of the examples.
    I changed all the xacml identifiers in the example to 1.0 I've used <Apply
    FuncitonId="function:string-first"> where necessary to select from the
    Attribute Desiginator and Selector result sequences to a single result
    That's it.
    I really do have a gut wrenching ache with the paragprah that starts "XML
    is a natural choice as the basis for the common security-policy
    langugage,...", but what the heck. :^)

    Attachment: XACMLv0.16c-Polar0.1.doc
    Description: Binary data

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