OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

  • 1.  Notes from my pile

    Posted 07-05-2004 16:18
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    xliff message

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    Subject: Notes from my pile

    Dear team,
    our new version is finished, the Localization World is over, time to pop my
    I think I was not able to post the following note because I used the wrong
    email account for sending. I hope I can get it through this time.
    >>>>>My first note is about "A tricky problem for handling in XLIFF"
    In my view the described problem is an i18n issue. If already implemented in
    the source from the beginning, it is not an issue for XLIFF later. Of course
    this means that issues of the target languages to be supported must be known
    at development time but isn't this something i18n is about? Also some kind
    of template expansion are possible that generates the source files for
    specific ugly languages (also describing the cases the translators have to
    translate). At least you will get a clean separation of code and localizable
    >>>>>My second note is about "Adding inline terminology information to
    I see three problems when adding terminology to target elemens:
    1. Some tools allow to aling XLIFF content by reading and processing both
    source and target elements. Using target ofr other information but target
    makes processing more complicated.
    2. When the translation is stored in target, the terminology information is
    lost and cannot be used in a later validation step. This is the first
    scenario where we loose information by writing the target element.
    3. how to handle terms with more than one translation.
    Also keep in mind that the proposed solution violates the rule, that no
    information shall get lost during processing! The next obvious solution
    would add terminology information to alt-trans.
    >>>>>.NET Profile. Some thoughts based on our .NET parser implementation. I
    tried to send it to G�rard and Enda, but got no feedback. May be the wrong
    email account again. Here is it again for all of you.
    Best regards from Bonn,
    Florian Sachse
    PASS Engineering GmbH
    Managing Director
    Remigiusstr. 1
    53111 Bonn
    Tel: +49 228 697242
    Fax: +49 228 697104
    Internet: www.passolo.com
    egroup: www.egroups.com/group/passolo


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