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Subject: Customisation Document
Is this quite a sizable error?
In the Customisation Document, Section 3.3
For each of the context drivers (Geopolitical, IndustryClassification, etc.) the following characteristics
should also be specified (a later version will provide the requisite attributes
for doing so):
CodeListID - string: The identification of a list of
codes. Can be used to identify the URL of a source that defines the set of
currently approved permitted values.
CodeListAgencyID - string: An agency that maintains
one or more code lists. Defaults to the UN/EDIFACT data element 3055 code
CodeListAgencyName - string: The name of the agency
that maintains the code list.
CodeListName - string: The name of a list of
CodeListVersionID - string: The Version of the code
list. Identifies the Version of the UN/EDIFACT data element 3055 code
languageID - string: The identifier of the language
used in the corresponding text string [ISO639]
CodeListUniformResourceID - string: The Uniform
Resource Identifier that identifies where the code list is located.
CodeListSchemeUniformResourceID - string: The
Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the code list scheme is
Content: A value or set of values taken from the
indicated code list or classification scheme.
Name: The textual equivalent of the code
These appear to me to be erroneous as characteristics for context
drivers but rather they are attributes for codelists.
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