OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

  • 1.  Customisation Document

    Posted 04-21-2004 20:52
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Customisation Document

    Is this quite a sizable error?
    In the Customisation Document, Section 3.3 -

    For each of the context drivers (Geopolitical, IndustryClassification, etc.) the following characteristics should also be specified (a later version will provide the requisite attributes for doing so):

    • CodeListID - string: The identification of a list of codes. Can be used to identify the URL of a source that defines the set of currently approved permitted values.

    • CodeListAgencyID - string: An agency that maintains one or more code lists. Defaults to the UN/EDIFACT data element 3055 code list.

    • CodeListAgencyName - string: The name of the agency that maintains the code list.

    • CodeListName - string: The name of a list of codes.

    • CodeListVersionID - string: The Version of the code list. Identifies the Version of the UN/EDIFACT data element 3055 code list.

    • languageID - string: The identifier of the language used in the corresponding text string [ISO639]

    • CodeListUniformResourceID - string: The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the code list is located.

    • CodeListSchemeUniformResourceID - string: The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the code list scheme is located.

    • Content: A value or set of values taken from the indicated code list or classification scheme.

    • Name: The textual equivalent of the code content.




    These appear to me to be erroneous as characteristics for context drivers but rather they are attributes for codelists.



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