TC Members, Attached you will find an initial Working Draft document instance to serve as a starting point and template for: EDXL RIM - Common Types Version 1.0. Further revisions to this Work Product must be maintained as in Working Drafts, following procedures detailed in the TC Handbook [1]. Working Drafts should be made available by uploading the document(s) to the TC's Kavi document repository, or (provisionally/temporarily) to the TC's Subversion (SVN) repository, if SVN has been activated for your TC [2]. For each WD revision, you will need to: 1) increment the Working Draft revision (number) from 01 to 02, 03, 04 etc., as successive Working Drafts are produced; the revision number needs to be updated at the top of the document in the stage identifier (Working Draft ##) and in the document identifier within the page footer, e.g., EDXL-CT-v1.0-wd02, EDXL-CT-v1.0-wd03, etc. 2) supply the relevant publication/release/upload date for each successive Working Draft instance, using the prescribed date format: DD Month YYYY; the date needs to be updated at the top of the document (just below the stage identifier, Working Draft ##) and in the page footer. 3) provide text for a document Abstract, updating this summary with successive revisions to provide an accurate description of the subject matter, goals, scope, etc. 4) keep the Acknowledgments (Appendix A) and Revision History (Appendix C) up-to-date with each WD revision. 5) consult the OASIS Naming Directives document when creating new artifacts that may be part of the Work Product (e.g., image files, XML schemas), observing the rules for name characters in files and proposed directories, and for proposed URIs/namespaces [3]. When the TC votes [4] to approve a Working Draft as a Committee Draft (CSD or CND), the Chair must submit a "Committee Specification Draft Creation and Upload Request" accessible on the TC Administration Requests Page [5]. Upon receipt of this form, the TC Administrator will process the Work Product for official publication in the OASIS Library as a Committee Draft ( ), including addition of the requisite cover page metadata and other boilerplate information, as described in the TC Handbook. [6] Please direct any questions to Kim Goolsby: =========== References: [1] Working Drafts [2] SVN Version control, via Tools [3] OASIS Naming Directives [4] Approval of a WD as a CD (CSD or CND) [5] TC Administration Requests Page, see Committee Specification Draft Creation / Upload Request [6] Committee Specification Drafts and Committee Note Drafts -- Kim Goolsby Publications Specialist OASIS Open: Advancing open standards for the information society email: web: Tel: +1 734-761-7863 edxl-ct-v1.0-wd01.odt