Jacob and others,
I have not been able to confirm that we will have an 800 number for
this call, so the following conference line has been set
up: 218-486-8700 pass code: 227979
At 11:00 AM 12/9/2009, Jacob Westfall wrote:
> The first meeting to go over the public comments received
> from the CAP V1.2 2nd Public Review period will be held tomorrow
> Dec 10 at 12 noon Eastern. The call-in details are in Kavi, your
> participation is welcomed, please attend if you can.
> Two comments were received, here are the links:
> The initial draft of the Issues List has been created and
> posted, please download and have ready to use for tomorrow's meeting.
> In addition to the comments, we'll discuss the concerns put
> forth by the ITU regarding CAP versioning and compatibility between
> versions. These Wikipedia entries provide some useful background,
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backward_compatibility
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forward_compatibility
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