OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

  • 1.  [office] OpenDocument TC Coordination Call Agenda May 14, 2007

    Posted 05-11-2007 15:40
    OpenDocument TC
    Agenda Phone Conference May 14, 2007
    The OpenDocument Technical Committee will have its next
    TC Coordination Call on Monday, May the 14th, at 7:00am PDT (2:00pm
    GMT, 4pm CEDT).
    The call counts towards voter eligibility.
    The teleconference phone number can be found at the TC's web page at
    The dial-in information is:
    Participant Passcode: 9858703
    Dial-In Numbers, local (paid) / toll-free
    CN: 10800-712-1433
    FR: 33-1-70-70-74-20 / 080-563-9647
    DE: 49-69-2222-2566  / 0800-000-3441
    UK: 44-20-7075-3246  / 0808-238-6025
    US: 1-203-418-3122   / 866-692-3163
    Click http://e-meetings.mci.com/audioconferencing/globalAccessFAQ.php
    for information on specific country access dialing.
    Press *6 to mute/unmute line
    8:00-8:05	Dial-In, Roll Call
    	Approval of Meeting Minutes, Action Item Review
    	Status update
    	Comment Processing
    	Approval of Proposals that are ready for approval [1]
    	Discussion of further proposals [2]
    Best regards

  • 2.  Re: [office] OpenDocument TC Coordination Call Agenda May 14, 2007

    Posted 05-11-2007 15:46
    My proposal to amend the TC Charter requirements in regard to
    interoperability needs to be added to the list of proposals under
    discussion at 

  • 3.  Re: [office] OpenDocument TC Coordination Call Agenda May 14, 2007

    Posted 05-14-2007 09:08
    The list of proposals you are referring to is the list of proposals for 
    the ODF 1.2 specification. Charter proposals of any kind do not belong 
    to that list.
    Please note further that the OASIS policies do not allow to "amend" a 
    charter. They only allow clarifications, and there is a strict 
    definition what a clarification is, and what the purpose of a 
    clarification is. See section 2.11 of
    Before the TC discusses your charter proposal, I would like to ask you 
    to verify whether it is in alignment with the OASIS Technical Committee 
    as well as with other OASIS policies, like the OASIS IPR rules:
    I further would like to advice you to verify whether what you propose is 
    unambiguous and feasible, and in particular whether that information is 
    available to the TC, that the TC would need to create a specification 
    that conforms to the charter.
    In any case, and in addition to what I said above, a request to discuss 
    a charter proposal should contain the exact wording that is proposed.
    Thanks you
    Michael Brauer
    OpenDocument TC chair
    marbux wrote:
    > My proposal to amend the TC Charter requirements in regard to
    > interoperability needs to be added to the list of proposals under
    > discussion at 