OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

OpenDocument TC coordination call minutes 2007-07-30

  • 1.  OpenDocument TC coordination call minutes 2007-07-30

    Posted 07-31-2007 15:54
    * Rollcall
    Yue Ma, IBM
    Rob Weir, IBM
    Helen Yue, IBM
    Bruce D'Arcus
    Patrick Durusau
    David A. Wheeler
    Michael Brauer, Sun Microsystems
    Lars Oppermann, Sun Microsystems
    Eike Rathke, Sun Microsystems
    Florian Reuter, Novell (joined 14:45GMT)
    * Minutes from last meeting
    Lars forgot to post minutes from last weeks call. Will send to list ASAP.
    * Action items
    - pub URL for documents, Michael, in progress
    - link to A11Y from OASIS standards page, Michael, in progress
       - announcement mailing list -> publications
    * Proposals
    * Hyperlinks for all shapes
    Are links allowed everywhere where shapes are allowed?
    Accept with the addition that links may occur anywhere where shapes may
    Helen: What about custom shapes?
    Also allow custom shapes in a element (and to allow links everywhere where
    Rob: what about groups?
    DavidW: Take most specific link
    Rob: should we specify that
    Lars: add a note that proposes the behavior
    DavidW: I think that is the right way to go
    - no objections
    * Stroke dashes, stroke length relative to stroke width
    Patrick: seems like its not the width of the stroke, they want to vary
    but the size of the dots... its nor very clear
    Michael: way may need a clearer language here then
    Lars: I think they meant length of the line...
    * Label Position
    DavidF will be back next week. Will discuss this then
    * is-subtable
    A11Y will discuss our proposal for resolution in their next call
    * annotation
    Oliver will post a revised proposal based on the mailing list discussion
    * Formula Update (DavidW)
    IBM created test cases for yearfrac function
    * Update on editing for ODF1.2
    Patrick did a lot of reviewing
    Michael and Lars are currently evaluating and integrating the edits
    * Update from Metadata SC (Patrick)
    Final round of edits
    some members have been on vacation
    Bruce: what is our time line these days regarding the bibliographic
    ontology. What do I need to get you at what time
    Michael: I will try again next week to get the announcements in the
    telecon system. SO please announce your name when the system asks for it.
    Sun Microsystems                Lars Oppermann