Hi Lars,
Here are some comments and questions
from my colleagues. Just want to make it clear. Thanks.
1. Different styles can be set to first
row/column. Per the Accessibility improvement we have made in ODF v1.1,
table can have table headers while header are not limited to one row/column.
Therefore I am wondering that why we do not just use the concept of header
columns/rows here?
This one is somewhat beyond this proposal,
for the first row/column is from the original specification, but I think
it is worth discussing
2. The default value for attributes
"table:use-last-row-styles", "table:use-first-column-styles",
"table:use-last-column-styles", "table:use-banding-rows-styles",
"table:use-banding-columns-styles" is false. Is there any consideration?
I propose that we set it to be "true" so that the default case
is to use the whole template, which is more common.
3. In "additions to 14.5 Table
Templates", what's the priority of "table-background"? It
looks to me that it has the lowest priority, but it is not specified.
4. "If a value for draw:fill attribute
is given, it switches off any background image that is specified by a <style:background-image>
and any background color that is specified with the fo:background-color
How about if the draw:fill="none"?
In this case, draw:fill still gets the high priority?
Best Regards,
Helen Yue
Dear TC members,
I have uploaded three proposals from OpenOffice.org developers
concerning the support of tables in presentations and drawings. Please
review these documents and post any questions or comments that you might
1. Tables: Tables in Presentation & Draw documents
2. Tables: Template Styles
3. Tables: Enhanced table backgrounds