OASIS Emergency Management TC

  • 1.  Groups - Special EM-TC Telecon Meeting added

    Posted 02-10-2009 14:16
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  • 2.  RE: [emergency] Groups - Special EM-TC Telecon Meeting added

    Posted 02-10-2009 16:09
    Hi everyone,
    I've noticed a few calls for "special" meetings recently and would like to call the TC's attention to Section 2.10 in the TC Process: 
    While subcommittees since they can make no decisions can call ad-hoc meetings any time they like, TC meetings must be "properly called and scheduled" to ensure each member has sufficient notice to be able to attend.
    Best regards,

  • 3.  RE: [emergency] Groups - Special EM-TC Telecon Meeting added

    Posted 02-10-2009 18:17
    Thank you Mary for the reminder.
    Luckily the SC has agreed on these two points such that the TC will 
    not be requested to make a decision on these two points alone.  The 
    Committee Draft will reflect the decision of the SC and then put to 
    the TC for a vote as part of the normal process and at the time of 
    our next regularly scheduled meeting Feb 17.
    At 10:08 AM 2/10/2009, Mary McRae wrote:
    >Hi everyone,
    >I've noticed a few calls for "special" meetings recently and would 
    >like to call the TC's attention to Section 2.10 in the TC Process:
    >While subcommittees since they can make no decisions can call ad-hoc 
    >meetings any time they like, TC meetings must be "properly called 
    >and scheduled" to ensure each member has sufficient notice to be 
    >able to attend.
    >Best regards,
    > >