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Subject: AW: [ubl] To Comment "a.5" of 1.0 isses 20040721
Hello Mavis,
this is very confusing for me now. I compared the UBL 1.0 Library with the Naming and Design Rules "wd-ublndrsc-ndrdoc-V1pt0Draftp.doc", because this is the basis for my review and not the checklist.
Are this Naming and Design Rules didn't a normative part of UBL 1.0 anymore?
Kind regards,
-----Urspr�ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Mavis Cournane []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 27. Juli 2004 09:14
An: Stuhec, Gunther
Betreff: Re: [ubl] To Comment "a.5" of 1.0 isses 20040721
in terms of the Documentation rules for the BBIE you are not looking at the
rules in the NDR checklist - these are up to date. In the checklist there is
no rule mandating UID - indeed, it is nolonger present. Mike Grimley and I
recall that we had a discussion about UID and we all decided to remove it.
According to the checklist rules - Version - is optional.
> Hello Jon,
> some clarifications to the comment a.5 (The structure of the annotations are
> not similar to the definitions in chapter 3.7)
> The chapter 3.7 defines the structure of annotation in rule DOC8 as
> follows:
> <Documentation>[Dictionary Entry Name]</Documentation>
> Also says chapter 3.7 from rule DOC1 - DOC7, how this "Dictionary Entry
> Names" must be represented as embedded documentation.
> If I compare the following example to this rules, I can see some
> differences:
> <xsd:annotation>
> <xsd:documentation>
> <ccts:Component>
> <ccts:ComponentType>BBIE</ccts:ComponentType>
> <ccts:DictionaryEntryName>Address Line. Line.
> Text</ccts:DictionaryEntryName>
> <ccts:Definition>An address line of unstructured text intended for
> only by systems incapable of providing structured or fully structured
> addresses</ccts:Definition>
> <ccts:Cardinality>1..7</ccts:Cardinality>
> <ccts:ObjectClass>Address Line</ccts:ObjectClass>
> <ccts:PropertyTerm>Line</ccts:PropertyTerm>
> <ccts:RepresentationTerm>Text</ccts:RepresentationTerm>
> <ccts:DataType>Text. Type</ccts:DataType>
> <ccts:Examples>"123 Standard Chartered Tower"</ccts:
> </ccts:Component>
> </xsd:documentation>
> </xsd:annotation>
> The differences are:
> - the element "ccts:Component" is not defined as any rule in
> wd-ublndrsc-ndrdoc-V1pt0Draftp.doc
> - the prefix "ccts" is not defined as rule.
> - the BBIE needs the following information in the annotation (see rule
> DOC4):
> - Unique Identifier (mandatory) - is not represented!!!
> - CategoryCode (mandatory)- is named as "ComponentType" in the example
> above, but the code value is OK
> - Dictionary Entry Name (mandatory) - OK
> - Version (mandatory) - is not represented in the example above
> - Definition (mandatory) - OK
> - Cardinality (mandatory) - OK
> - QualifierTerm (optional) - other BBIEs have the element
> "PropertyTermQualifier",
> like (<ccts:PropertyTermQualifier>Maximum</ccts:
> - UsageRule (optional, repetitive) - not represented in any example
> - ConstraintLanguage (optional, repetitive) - not represented in any
> example
> - BusinessTerm (optional, repetitive) - other BBIE using
> <ccts:AlternativeBusinessTerms>TREM card</ccts:
> which
> is not compliant to the CCTS, because it is defined only as
> "BusinessTerm".
> - Example (optional, repetitive) - The element name of the BBIE is
> "Examples" (Plural)
> Also the BBIE has additional elements defined for: "ObjectClass",
> "PropertyTerm" and "RepresentationTerm", which are not described in rule
> DOC4.
> Kind regards,
> Gunther
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