OASIS Emergency Management TC

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FW: Reminder: DM OPEN SIG Special Event - Thursday March 29,12:00 Noon EDT

  • 1.  FW: Reminder: DM OPEN SIG Special Event - Thursday March 29,12:00 Noon EDT

    Posted 03-28-2007 20:04
    TC members,
    I am extending an invitation to all of our members to a special meeting of the DM Open Platform for Emergency Networks  (DM_OPEN) Special interest Group.  Details for tomorrows presentation are provided below. Our presenter will be a third party functional expert who has had occasion to view several alerting products in operational interoperability mode using DM-OPEN as the sharing backbone in preparation for Coalition Warfare Interoperability Demonstration (CWID) 2007 later this summer.  He will talk about presentation clarity and usefulness of the user interfaces as well  general interoperability issues. It will not be a "comparison of specific products." It will, however, include recommendations for general improvement and ideas for making our use of CAP more effective.


    Gary A. Ham

    Senior Research Scientist

    Battelle Memorial Institute

    540-288-5611 (office)

    703-869-6241 (cell)

    "If nobody uses it, it ain't a standard." 

    From: Avagene Moore [mailto:amoore@emforum.org]
    Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 11:33 AM
    To: amoore@emforum.org; william.ginley@us.army.mil; donald.macfarlane@us.army.mil; david.drummond@us.army.mil; James.Reilly@rl.af.mil; claudia@mystateusa.com; tferrentino@mystateusa.com; mschwarzkopf@optimetrics.org; gdonarum@optimetrics.org; Norbert.Butler@nc4.us; Kamal.Hakim@nc4.us; jshows@ESI911.com; nadia@ESI911.com
    Cc: Eyestone, Scott M; Ham, Gary A; Amy Sebring, EIIP Tech Projects Coord; 'Mueller, Norm'
    Subject: Reminder: DM OPEN SIG Special Event - Thursday March 29, 12:00 Noon EDT

    REMINDER: DM OPEN SIG Special Event - Thursday March 29, 12:00 Noon Eastern (please convert to your time zone)

    TOPIC: End User’s Viewpoint to Enhance Information Sharing

    We are pleased to host Norm Mueller, Emergency Management Consultant, Innovative Emergency Management (IEM), Inc.  for this DM OPEN SIG Special Event.  Mr. Mueller is currently supporting the Coalition Warrior Interoperability Demonstration (CWID) trials and, as result, will share a few observations and recommendations from the end user’s viewpoint that will benefit all who are working with OPEN to enable sharing of information and effective standards implementation.  

    Please join us for this interactive discussion on Thursday March 29, 12:00 Noon EDT.   The meeting will take place via teleconference and Live Meeting.  See http://www.emforum.org/open/OPEN-SIG/Presentations/LiveMtgInstruct.doc for access information and instructions.  If you experience problems with Live Meeting or have questions about participation, please email amoore@emforum.org or call 931.762.4768.

    IMPORTANT: If this is your first time participating in Live Meeting, check out the instructions prior to the meeting date and time. 

    NOTE: For your convenience, the slides that will be used in tomorrow’s meeting, Thursday 3/29, are also posted at

    http://www.emforum.org/open/OPEN-SIG/Presentations/ECBD_CWID_Briefing.ppt . This will let you follow along with the discussion if you choose to just call in to the meeting rather than join Live Meeting. The conference bridge number is the same:

    1-877-336-1839.  Enter the Access Code: 8242672# .

    We look forward to your participation in the DM OPEN meeting tomorrow.

    Best regards,

    Avagene Moore, CEM

    DMIS Responder Liaison Team