OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

Re: [xacml] re: Attribute Selector example

  • 1.  Re: [xacml] re: Attribute Selector example

    Posted 08-25-2002 03:51
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    Subject: Re: [xacml] re: Attribute Selector example

    I see that you meant function:node-match-1 in the example. I agree that it
    is another way to specify the same policy. The difference in our opinions
    would be relevant to how to handle XPath related function and data types in
    XACML. In your example, you said that <AttributeSelector> can be translated
    into 'function:xpath-expr' in Condition. If that is the case, what is the
    return type of the xpath-expr function? It must be the same with the return
    type of <AttributeSelector>, right? Besides, In line 821-830, string-equal
    function receives a return value of the <AttributeSelector>. What data is
    handed to the string-equal function?
    IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory, Internet Technology
    Tel. +81 (46) 215-4642   Fax +81 (46) 273-7428
                          Simon Godik                                                                                                                   
                          <simon@godik.com>        To:       xacml@lists.oasis-open.org                                                                 
                          2002/08/25 13:43         Subject:  [xacml] re: Attribute Selector example                                                     
    I see that you want to compute the node-set of xpath expression specified
    the request-context before passing it to the node-match function.
    Of course, something like that could be accomplished in the condition
    with 'xpath-expr' function:
    <Apply FunctionId="function:node-match">
        <Apply FunctionId="function:xpath-expr">
        <AttributeSelector RequestContextPath="..."/>
    You want to do the same thing in the target.
    I'm not completely sold on your syntax for AttributeSelector. I'd prefer
    this extension:
    <AttributeSelector indirect="true"> (or IndirectAttributeSelector)
        <ResourceAttributeDesignator AttributeId
    Better yet to relax 'match' element to allow 'apply' children.
    Another approach:
    I think that complication is in 'node-match' function definition that takes
    of xpath expression. That forces you to produce this result, so you
    need additional semantics in attribute-selector.
    Consider different function that takes --xpath-expressions-- as arguments
    (as in examples in section 3). Than you do not have to produce node sets
    before calling this function and no change in schema is needed.
    Suppose that node-match-1 has exact same semantics as node-match but
    take 2 xpath expressions: xpath-expr-request and xpath-expr-rule:
    node-match-1(xpath-expr-req, xpath-expr-rule).
    You can use it in the target:
    <ResourceMatch MatchId="function:node-match-1">
        <AttributeValue DataType="xsi:string">//md:record</AttributeValue>

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