LCSC/NDRSC joint meeting Wednesday 22 January 2003 16h00 UTC 1. Attendees: Jon Bosak Bill Burcham Dave Carlson Matt Gertner Arofan Gregory Mike Grimley Eduardo Gutentag Ken Holman Sue Probert Marion Royal Lisa Seaburg Ray Seddigh Gunther Stuhec Paul Thorpe 2. Acceptance of previous minutes Posted late - will approve next week. 3. Adoption of Agenda 4. Review of previous action items Joint meeting: 20030122-01 Post namespaces solution info - Ken. Done. 20030122-02 Generate next version of schema w/ Ken's namespaces solution by tomorrow morning's call. Send out pointer - Gunther, BillB, Sue/Mike. Done. 20030122-03 Produce/send new UML diagrams - Dave. 20030122-04 Write para on issue(s)for release notes. Send to Lisa to put in html ReleaseNotes doc. Arofan/BillB: 20020122-05 Build release notes - Lisa. 20020122-06 create sample instances - Bill Meadows/Sue/Jean. NDRSC meeting: A. NDR Document Status - Mark Crawford 1) Sections: Code Lists - Lisa; Facets - Mavis A. Schema - Gunther Stuhec (LCSC release, and status of the schema in this release.) B. Context Methodology - Matt Gertner C. Polymorphisim Paper - Arofan Gregory 5. Status review Urgency: have been through several iterations in how to realize global/local, but didn't work for some purposes (names too long). Gunther has done work overnight to produce new schemas which parse. Since ndr decisions have driven most of these past week's work, need to know plan of record. Schema release of 45 minutes ago is close to meeting goals. 6. Work items remaining Spreadsheets: Schemas done but spreadsheets still need one small final fix. Sue will revise spreadsheet and pass back to Gunther. If not ok, Sue/Mike/Gunther will resolve. Please also cc to Lisa and LC. ** All communication on these issues should go to LCSC mail list. ** Config.xsd: Ken: All namespace uris suffixed with .xsd. Intentional? In 0.65 no suffix - not meant to be filename. Gunther: OK, but requires perl script change Ken: namespace issues have been moved to configuration file Gunther: config.xsd is schema for configuration files Lisa: now lives in bin directory w/ Perl script Sample instances: Jon: whenever redo schemas, also redo dummy instances? Lisa: will talk to Bill post to lc list as soon as he can after Gunther redoes schemas to use for testing; schemas redone as soon after call as possible (Gunther). Ken: 6 of 7 instances are done (.pdf files) can't define data instance until final schemas have stabilized UML: Dave: uml can be done in about hour after schemas. ASN: Paul: if schemas done today, then probably tomorrow (about a day); thought we were releasing docs that would have ASN as appendix. Packaging: Jon: John Larmuth was going to tell us the file structure; release is html document that points out to external files with specific file names. Need to know file names to point to (doing these as appendices makes doc too large, so we are having external files referenced by cover html doc). Lisa send link to html file so Paul can see what is happening. Paul send Lisa/BillM file names/file structure. 7. Schedule Jon: Not actually talking about 2 releases - one, but final bits are in place by 24th. Some of this consists of pointers with single pages that says this is coming. But all is represented in image on the 24th. If on morning of 27th someone opens this up they will find everything in order. Today through Monday: Gunther/Sue own changes to spreadsheet. Other changes (see above). Ken sanity check schemas against new instances. Expect final package by end of day. Will do quick sanity check today. Lisa is release master. Schedule: today: final spreadsheets (Lisa) schemas updated (Gunther) para with intro to uml diagrams, etc. (Dave) release notes (Lisa) dummy pages (Lisa/Bill) begin parallel efforts dummy instances (BillM) stylesheet packages (Ken) uml (Dave) asn (Paul) validation (Jon) validation (Dave - SQC) validation (others - non-tech) thursday Lisa/Bill populate image friday (freeze) everytihng announced is there except what is pointed to that has dummy pages 24th Jon informs oasis to put announcement in Monday's oasis newsletter; immediate work should be done 27th public announcement 29th all supplemental material in to Lisa 31st release of supplemental materials Jon: As people put things in they should do a sanity check. Most things should not point to zip files - should point to files. Lisa/Bill have license to decide structure/disposition/access. Links should be relative, named correctly for final filenames. Lisa build/keep image on her system. Build zip from that. Should be able to zip up final copy of final web page from Lisa's drive. Only one update. Send to Lisa by Jan 29, will release/announce on Jan 31. Dave send mail to Karl Best to be added to lc list; in meantime, send to ndr and individuals Lisa include blurb in release notes saying that supplemental packages are coming later. 8. Release structure: Two separate releases? - Core schemas, spreadsheets. - Supplemental materials to go with original release. Easier for users to re-release all. Jon: Leave as many things unbound as possible; can release first package now; then re-release first package + supplemental on 31st. This is for review cycle; this fits original plan; aren't changing original - that needs to be made clear. 9. Promotion/Distribution: Ray: Should we do the release first to liaisons? Jon: no, too late; but can still send email to liaison list but no guarantee it won't change; Jon will make up separate announcement for liaisons, which can be forwarded (provides couple hour lead time). Marion: opportunity for lc qa team on Friday (24th) - marion will send out numbers - 7:30 ca time ok 10. Denver (3 Feb - 7 Feb): Planned attendance: Arofan, Gunther, Sue, Eduardo, Lisa, Marion. Others by phone. Issues to discuss: namespace, global/local. Marion: who's tracking publicity? Jon relying on contacts. Infoworld talked to M last week and got an article. Put a summary of this on marketing page? List at bottom of main ubl tc page. 11. Next meeting: Lisa: call next Wednesday 29th (supplemental release date). Joint call appropriate? Yes. 12. Adjourn (11:41 am) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Lisa Seaburg AEON Consulting Website: Email: Alternative Email: Phone: 662-562-7676 Cellphone: 662-501-7676 If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun. -Katharine Hepburn ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( ). Version: 6.0.441 / Virus Database: 247 - Release Date: 1/9/2003 Attachment: Lisa Seaburg.vcf Description: text/vcard