OASIS Digital Signature Services eXtended (DSS-X) TC

Your invitation to OASISâOxford Intâl Data Protection Workshop

  • 1.  Your invitation to OASISâOxford Intâl Data Protection Workshop

    Posted 08-23-2019 13:38
    Dear Members, The final agenda is available for our upcoming workshop on 9-10 September at the University of Oxford. View agenda here > We re pleased to announce that quite a few of our OASIS standards made it into the program including: KMIP, PKCS11, DSS-X, XACML, PMRM, and COAL . The program is designed to provide insights on the state-of-the-art in real-time data protection service delivery, by identifying clear gaps common across various stakeholders that need to be filled, and promising industry and research initiatives attempting to build solutions to hard problems. All are invited to attend. Cost is only 75 for OASIS members. This includes access to the two-day program, refreshments, lunches and associated materials. We hope you consider joining us to share your data protection experiences. Regards, Jane -- Jane Harnad, Manager of Events +1 781-425-5073 x214 (Office) +1 703-508-3373 (Mobile) http://www.oasis-open.org Upcoming events: Oxford/OASIS 'Transforming Privacy Law into Practice:' https://privacyworkshop19.oasis-open.org Borderless Cyber USA (co-located with Cyber Next Summit): https://us19.borderlesscyber.org