OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

  • 1.  Proposed Agenda for 18 November 2010 TC Meeting

    Posted 11-18-2010 01:02
    Time: 13:00 EDT
    Tel: 513-241-0892 Access Code: 65998
    Proposed Agenda for 18 November 2010 TC Meeting:
    13:00 - 13:05 Roll Call & Approve Minutes:
    Approve Minutes:
    4 November 2010 TC Meeting (updated)
    XACML v3 Status
     1 attestation received to date
     PIP directive (carried over from previous meeting)
      David Chadwick has raised the concept of additional processing
      associated with PDP <-> PIP interaction:
     content-selector attribute
      Jan Hermann raised a question about the appearance of the definition for
      this in the Multiple Resource and Hierarchical Profiles.

  • 2.  WSDL for 3.0?

    Posted 11-18-2010 01:55
    Does anybody have a web service definition for XACML 3.0 request / response?  
    I see something written for XACML 2.0, but not for 3.0. 
    Thank you, 
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  • 3.  RE: WSDL for 3.0?

    Posted 01-21-2011 07:13
    Hi, I guess there is no WSDL defined for XACML 3.0. Is there an official (approved by XACML TC) WSDL for XACML 2.0? I have found Oracle's implementation of WSDL for XACML 2.0, but this looks proprietary. http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E12890_01/ales/docs32/webservicesprogrammersguide/webservice_xacml.html#wp1080695 If there isn't, I suppose XACML TC does not want to define this? Could somebody enlighten me as to why? Thank you, Nao

  • 4.  RE: [xacml] RE: WSDL for 3.0?

    Posted 01-27-2011 17:54
    I sure it is only that no one has gotten around to doing it. We certainly have no policy against it. Volunteers are welcome. My WSDL is pretty rusty, but I am curious in what way(s) a 3.0 WSDL would differ from 2.0. Hal >

  • 5.  RE: [xacml] Proposed Agenda for 18 November 2010 TC Meeting

    Posted 11-18-2010 16:47
    I think we should discuss next steps for the Primelife requirements.
    Given the lack of general discussion, I suggest we talk about what would actually be required in XACML for the limited solution.