Hahaha. Sorry Andrew. Any confusion is my fault I am sure. The template is currently at the bottom of the wiki home page . The intent is that you would “edit” the home page to get access to the markup, select and copy the template content, close the home page edit, create a new page, paste the template content in and them fill it out. Do you think I should put the template in its own page to make it clearer? sean On 10/2/15, 12:08 PM, "
cti-stix@lists.oasis-open.org on behalf of Mr. Andrew Storms" <
cti-stix@lists.oasis-open.org on behalf of
storms@newcontext.com > wrote: During the SC call, there was discussion about using a specific template for submitting use cases. Said template would be available in the Wiki. It must be Friday because I can't find it. Can someone be so kind as to give me the link? Thanks. -- --------------------------------- Andrew Storms New Context
storms@newcontext.com VP, Security Services