OASIS Emergency Management TC

FW: NIEM EM Domain Data Model Attributes for Review (Phase I)

  • 1.  FW: NIEM EM Domain Data Model Attributes for Review (Phase I)

    Posted 05-27-2015 22:51
    FYI   From: NIEM-EM-Facilitator [mailto:NIEM-EM-Facilitator@cse-corp.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 12:54 PM To: NIEM-EM-Facilitator Subject: NIEM EM Domain Data Model Attributes for Review (Phase I)   NIEM EM Domain Members and Stakeholders,   The NIEM Emergency Management Domain is currently working to complete the initial draft version of the revised EM Domain Data Model. This has been a collaborative process involving input from multiple EM community members and managers, alignment with existing standards and inclusion of new attributes from the review of multiple existing information exchanges. As part of the validation process, we are now asking our EM domain members and stakeholders to assist in review of the new attributes under consideration for inclusion in the model.    The original EM  Data Model included 364 attributes. The revised model has approximately 900 attributes, though this number may change slightly as the model is continually refined and harmonized. In order to review these attributes and incorporate changes in a timely fashion, we will employ a phased approach - breaking the 900+ attributes into three separate groups for review and comment. The initial (phase I) group has been posted to the Github EM Data Model page for your review.     The EM domain has been utilizing NIEM PMO's newly developed NIEM Sharing site powered by Github to solicit community review and comments and will continue to do this throughout the attribute review process. This review will allow the EM domain to finalize and submit a final 2015 EM draft data model in late summer, which is optimal for inclusion in the planned NIEM 3.2 release at the end of CY2015.  T he phase I attribute list for the draft EM Data Model can be reviewed via the NIEM Github Sharing portal ( http://niem.github.io ) by clicking on the Github Repo or Learn More tabs under Model Management. Alternately you may directly access the EM Model page via this link:  https://github.com/NIEM/Emergency-Management-Model-Content  . Please note that you must have a Github user account to access and leave comments on the site. Sign-up is free and may be done from this page:  https://github.com/join  .    Once you have accessed the EM Data Model page, please download the phase I attribute review spreadsheet. The file is titled:  NIEM EM 3.1 IEPD Data Model Attributes _v1.3 Phase I.   Comments may be input directly into the spreadsheet in column G of the second page. Please review and submit comments to the NIEM EM Facilitator email ( NIEM-EM-Facilitator@cse-corp.com )  prior to June 12th , so that we may review all comments and make any required revisions prior to finalization of the draft model. Please feel free to reach out to the EM Domain Facilitator team at NIEM-EM-Facilitator@cse-corp.com if you have any questions or issues within the Github EM site.    The EM domain supports emergency-related services (including preparing first responders and responding to disasters), information sharing, and activities such as homeland security and resource and communications management. For more information on the EM domain, please visit the EM domain community page at  https://www.niem.gov/communities/em/Pages/about-em.aspx ? or email  NIEM-EM-Facilitator@cse-corp.com  for membership, training or other information.? As always, we deeply appreciate your time and energy and are looking forward to the continued collaborative efforts as the EM Domain moves towards a more mature data model.    Regards,   NIEM EM Domain Facilitator Team  NIEM-EM-Facilitator@cse-corp.com