Dear TC members, Below you find the proposed agenda for our next TC call. Apologies for its length but I thought embedding the relevant information in the agenda would save time. Comments/suggestions? The Open Document Format Technical Committee will have its next TC Coordination Call on September 28th at 1330 UTC. The call counts towards voter eligibility. Teleconference Numbers Canada - (use US number) Denmark - +45 78 77 25 34 Germany - +49 30 255550324 Hungary - +36 1 987 6874 The Netherlands - +31 6 35205016 USA - +1 641-715-3580 Access code (for all numbers): 438-387 Chat room for meeting is at: Agenda ------ 1. Dial-In, Roll Call, Determination of Quorum and Voting Rights 2. Motion (simple majority): Approve the Agenda 3. Motion (simple majority): Approve the Minutes from former TC calls - 2015-06-22 - - 2015-07-06 - - 2015-08-03 - working call - pending - 2015-08-17 - - 2015-08-31 - - 2015-09-14 - pending 5. Progress on putting the specification documents in svn (I will have some comments about documents I will upload before the meeting) 6. ODF Maintenance Update (ODF 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, Errata etc.) 8. JIRA Issues for discussion: Office-602 - Unclear sentence in 2.5 of ODF 1.0 Propose: close Note: fixed in 1.2, possibly an errata for 1.0 but I would not bother. Office-568 - Change tracking issue Propose: 1.3 Note: Related to change tracking. Wants tracking stored in separate file, external to the package? Punt to change tracking SC. Office-566 - Concerns and Wants Related to Text Sections in OD v 1.1+ Propose: 1.3 Note: The comment at: is complex and I haven't worked out what may be missing from our current definitions. Anyone else want to take a crack at it? Office-550 - Re: [office-comment] Unit system tracking Propose: close Note: Wheeler says there is no experience in spreadsheets with unit system tracking, suggest we not go there. Office-535 - Unclear sentence in 2.1.1 of ODF 1.0 [N0942#40] Propose: close Note: Fixed in ODF 1.2 Office-534 - Unclear sentence in 2.1.1 of ODF 1.0 [N0942#41] Propose: close Note: Fixed in 1.2 see Office-2053 Office-513 - Interface META-functions Propose: close Note: Commenter says every spreadsheet lacks a function to send data to external application and import the results. Should we be the first? Implementers? Office-499 - Data Type Specification and Conversion like in FORTRESS Propose: close Note: One of the spreadsheet experts needs to comment, don't we already have this in OpenFormula 4 Types? Office-498 - DISTINCT Values Propose: close Note: Eike points out this is already possible in spreadsheets but not a pre-defined function (this is predefined in Xquery by the way) Office-497 - Very Weak String Support in ODF Propose: 1.3? Note: Wheeler deferred because of lack of experience with requested functions. Implementers? Office-452 - RFE: Colour space capability within OpenDocument Propose: 1.3? Note: High end color features, including: 1. ability to specify colours in terms of CMY, CMYK; 2. ability to specify an RGB colour space (e.g., sRGB) for conversion purposes; 3. ability to load images etc. in formats such as CMYK, and retain RGB conversions for future use (that is, for RGB display purposes), since different applications will convert them differently (or be unable to convert them); 4. support for ISO 15076 (ICC Color Profiles) - see, e.g., the work in CSS3: ; 5. some degree of support for Pantone(?) Interest from implementers? Office-439 - "page" in 15.3.4 Border Line Width of ODF 1.0 [N0942#89] Propose: close Note: Fixed a long time ago. Office-426 - RFE: Vertical Justification Propose: 1.3? Note: See 20.388 for one method of achieving this effect with no changes. Biggest problem is that ODF has no defined page geometry. That would be very useful but also a big ask. Doable, particularly if we borrowed the xsl:fo model. Office- 353 - Alternative Glyphs Propose: 1.3? Note: Is this an issue? There is no generic Unicode font so every font you specify with styles is a choice of glyphs. Regina Henschel comments: ***** I have looked at issue OFFICE-353, I suggest to close it as duplicate of issue OFFICE-3414, Public Comment: Proposal for adding Font Feature support to ODF Issue 3414 has a detailed description of the problem in the document which is attached to the public comment. ***** Office-298 - Seeks formal content model of ODF Propose: 1.3 Note: Requests a formal data model (UML, etc.) - Would help with the change tracking but also a lot of work. Quite old, 2006. Office-296 - Would like ODF to allow "semantic markup at smaller granularities than at the document level" Propose: close Note: Updated to be a new feature and one that is satisfied by our current RDF support. Suggest close. Office-286 - Proposal to allow multiple markups within an ODF document Propose: 1.3? Note: Embedding non-ODF markup/code for processing by non-ODF applications. Interest from implementers? Office-260 - Broken link on PDF page 2 Propose: close Note: Close as we verify all links for drafts. Office-228 Font Embedding Regina Henschel suggests: ***** I have looked at issue OFFICE-228 "Public Comment: Font Embedding" Font embedding is already possible in ODF 1.2. LibreOffice has implemented it. It uses the element "svg:font-face-uri", child of "svg:font-face-src", child of "style:font-face". The font-file is stored in a folder "Fonts" in the package and as element "office:binary-data" in the flat format. As far as I see, nothing of that violates the standard. There exists issue OFFICE-2600 "folder structure for scripts, media..." I suggest to use that issue, if it is intended to standardize the structure for storing the font-files in the package. My suggestion: Comment in issue OFFICE-228, that font embedding is already possible with ODF1.2 and that the structure will be discussed in OFFICE-2600. Then close the issue with resolution "no action". ***** Propose comment and close as suggested by Regina. Office-220 - Annotating the RelaxNG schema of ODF Propose: close? Note: The proposed annotation returns 404. Unless someone on the TC wants to annotate a separate version of the schema. Changed to new feature. Office-212 - Integrate "Intelligence Community Information Security Markings" with ODF? Propose: 1.3? Note: 404 for link in email. Try: Could this be adapted to our RDF metadata? Worth contacting the government to see if they will contribute work cycles. 9. Target date for ODF 1.3 and its probable contents? 10. New comments on the comments list since last TC call [none so far] 11. Adjournment Hope everyone is at the start of a great week! Patrick -- Patrick Durusau Technical Advisory Board, OASIS (TAB) OpenDocument Format TC (OASIS), Project Editor ISO/IEC 26300 Co-Editor 13250-5 (Topic Maps) Another Word For It (blog): Homepage: Twitter: patrickDurusau