OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

[xacml] XACML November 15, 2001 Minutes

  • 1.  [xacml] XACML November 15, 2001 Minutes

    Posted 12-10-2001 18:43
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    Subject: [xacml] XACML November 15, 2001 Minutes

    Title: XACML Conference Call

    XACML Conference Call

    Date:  Thursday, November 29, 2001

    Time: 10:00 AM EST

    Tel: 512-225-3050 Access Code: 65998

    Minutes of Meeting



    Discussed several open action items, then went into location for next F2F. Bill has a location in LA if Ken does not come up with a choice in the bay area. There was discussion on what successfully using the specification means and Carlisle will propose a definition for this. Tim Moses distributed a proposed outline for the specification, which was discussed, and comments invited. Version 0.8 of the draft specification will use this outline.


    Action Items

    1. Hal agreed to ask Karl best to issue a call for intellectual property claims to the oasis membership list.
    2. Bill Parducci offered to convert it (Pierangela’s document) to PDF and distribute it in that form
    3. Bill to distribute details of LA meeting location
    4. Decision on location of next F2F
    5. Carlisle Adams has an action to write a proposed definition for "successfully using the specification".
    6. Bill and Gil agreed to collaborate on exploring this subject (DSLM and ldap profile), and reporting back to the technical committee.


    Issue List Candidates





    Raw Minutes (taken by Tim Moses)


    Proposed Agenda:

    10:00-10:10 Roll Call and Agenda Review
    10:10-10:15 Vote to accept minutes of November 15 meeting
    10:15-10:25 Review of Action Items (see 11/15 minutes)
    10:25-10:35 Report of Policy Model Sub-Committee
    10:35-11:00 Discussion of Proposed Specification Outline


    10:05 Attendance

    Voting Members

    James MacLean, Affinitex

    Hal Lockhart, Entegrity

    Fred Moses, Self

    Alex Berson, Entrust

    Tim Moses, Entrust

    Jason Rouault, HP

    Christopher McLaren, Netegrity

    Bill Parducci, Self

    Thomas Hardjono, Verisign


    Prospective Members

    Ernesto Damiani, University of Milan

    Sekhar Vajjhala, Sun Microsystems

    Anne Anderson, Sun Microsystems

    Gilbert Pilz, Jamcracker


    Item 1 - action items


    Intellectual property sub-committee - the position of chair for the intellectual property sub-committee is still open. Hal called for a volunteer. No one stepped forward. Tim moses suggested that we simply make a public call for intellectual property holders to identify any ip that they hold that may be applicable to xacml. Hal agreed to ask karl best to issue a call for intellectual property claims to the oasis membership list.


    Simon blackwell membership - simon has requested that his absence be treated as a formal leave of absence. There are no objections to this approach. However, simon was not at this meeting or the last one. So, his intentions regarding participation are not clear.


    Pierangela samarati's contribution on "necessary and sufficient" - pierangela has distributed a paper in postscript form, which addresses (amongst other things) a proposed alternative to negative policy statements. Tim moses could not open the document. So, bill parducci offered to convert it to pdf and distribute it in that form.


    Location for next meeting - bill and ken yagen are researching locations for the planned face-to-face meeting in january. Ken was not at the meeting. But, bill said he has identified a location in los angeles. The dates are tentatively set for 23-24 jan. Hal indicated that we should expect attendance of about ten people. Bill was asked to distribute details of the location. A decision will be made once we hear from ken concerning possible location in the bay area. The location that bill has identified requires participants to share the cost. Hal indicated that we have a preference for a corporate facility, with no cost.


    Schedule of work - michiharu has posted the planned schedule of work on the web site.


    Definition of "successfully using the specification" - carlisle adams has an action to write a proposed definition for "successfully using the specification". The oasis process requires that some number of implementations be "successfully using the specification" as a pre-requisite for advancing the standard. Tim moses suggested that we could simply describe this in the conformance section of the draft. The description would say (approximately) that some small number of dozens of test cases will be published on the xacml web site. Implementors will claim that they have successfully executed the test cases.


    Item 2 specification outline


    Tim moses has distributed a proposal for the outline of the specification. Participants were invited to comment. It has been suggested that a section specifying the operation of the xacml virtual machine should be added. Hal felt that it was unclear how this would differ from the material in section 4 (language). Gil pilz pointed out that the saml specification does not contain this sort of material. However, hal observed that xacml and saml differ in character: saml just provides syntax for the assertions, but, xacml has to ensure that different implementations come up with the same result. Ernesto damiani agreed that this material is an important ingredient.


    Hal mentioned that he would like to see a more thorough description of the data flow model. And, there was some discussion concerning the inclusion of the domain model. It was agreed that gil will bring the domain model up to date, according to v0.7 of the draft specification. But, it will not be incorporated into the draft.


    Bill parducci brought up the topic of dsml, and its relationship to the ldap profile identified in the outline. It was unclear what the relationship is (or should be). So, bill and gil agreed to collaborate on exploring this subject, and reporting back to the technical committee.


    It was agreed that v0.8 of the draft specification will use the proposed outline.


    The meeting adjourned.


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