OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

TC attendance, and coffee/lunch???

  • 1.  TC attendance, and coffee/lunch???

    Posted 10-22-2019 16:21
    Hi Kris, Attendance for today's call is below, but I was also wondering if you want to get together. I'll be in RTP from tomorrow night until next Friday (11/1) noon visiting my daughter and her family, and if you're going to be working at home during any of that time, as opposed to out of town, we could possibly have lunch or coffee. I can easily get a Lyft to anywhere in Durham, especially SW Durham; in fact, I was planning to do some shopping at the Southpoint mall one day while my family is at school/work, so I'll already be in Durham that day. Let me know if you're going to be around at all. Wrt attendance (I record in a different order than you do, so it's in my order here), every voting member who didn't send regrets was there, as you know from taking the roll for the votes. Though now that I think of it, it didn't occur to me to ask if any non-TC members were on the call, and no one spoke up to say they were, so I have no record of any non-TC members if they were on the call, sorry. Luckily, I knew that Eric would be a voting member as of today, so I did check on him. Robert Anderson y Deb Bissantz y Carsten Brennecke y Bill Burns y Stan Doherty y Kris Eberlein y Carlos Evia y Nancy Harrison y Scott Hudson y Eliot Kimber y Joyce Lam y Zoe Lawson y Eric Sirois y Chris Nitchie regrets Keith Schengili-Roberts regrets Dawn Stevens regrets best, Nancy _____________ Nancy Harrison Infobridge Solutions nharrison@infobridge-solutions.com