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Subject: [emergency] RE: IETF work related to work of this TC
Looks like most of this work is focused on the privacy of personal
location information in the context of wireless location-based
services, instant messaging, etc. Be interesting to see if any of
this can be extended to the rights-management problem for emergency
- Art
At 10:15 AM -0600 8/4/04, Carl Reed wrote:
>Yesterday during the GIS SC teleconference I mentioned that there
>are a number of IETF RFCs that could have an impact/synergy with the
>work of this TC. The majority of the work by the IETF membership WRT
>location has to do with either delivery of services in an EM
>siutation or 2.) protection of privacy and privacy encoding rules
>for location payloads on the internet.
>I am enclosing information on a number of recent RFC submissions/updates.
>A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts
>This draft is a work item of the Geographic Location/Privacy Working
>Group of the IETF.
>Title : A Presence-based GEOPRIV Location Object Format
>Author(s) : J. Peterson
>Filename : draft-ietf-geopriv-pidf-lo-02.txt
>Pages : 24
>Date : 2004-6-30
>This document describes an object format for carrying geographical
> information on the Internet. This location object extends the
> Presence Information Data Format (PIDF), which was designed for
> communicating privacy-sensitive presence information and which has
> similar properties.
>A URL for this Internet-Draft is:
>A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts
>This draft is a work item of the Session Initiation Proposal
>Investigation Working Group of the IETF.
>Title : Requirements for Session Initiation Protocol
> Location Conveyance
>Author(s) : J. Polk, B. Rosen
>Filename : draft-ietf-sipping-location-requirements-01.txt
>Pages : 45
>Date : 2004-7-19
>This document presents the framework and requirements for usage of
> the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) [RFC 3261] to convey user
> location information from a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) user
> agent to another SIP entity. We consider cases where location
> information is conveyed from end to end, as well as cases where
> message routing by intermediaries is influenced by the location of
> the session initiator. We offer a set of solutions to the
> requirements, based on the scenario(s) being addressed.
>A URL for this Internet-Draft is:
>A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts
>This draft is a work item of the Geographic Location/Privacy Working
>Group of the IETF.
>Title : A Document Format for Expressing Privacy Preferences
>Author(s) : H. Schulzrinne, et al.
>Filename : draft-ietf-geopriv-common-policy-01.txt
>Pages : 40
>Date : 2004-7-21
>This document defines a framework for authorization policies
> controling access to application specific data. This framework
> combines common location- and SIP-presence-specific authorization
> aspects. An XML schema specifies the language in which common policy
> rules are represented. The common policy framework can be extended to
> other application domains.
>A URL for this Internet-Draft is:
>A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts
>Title : Advertising Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE)
>Services with Presence
>Author(s) : J. Peterson
>Filename : draft-peterson-pidf-ice-00.txt
>Pages : 10
>Date : 2004-7-13
>Many presence applications use availability information about a
> presentity to show a watcher their readiness to communicate. In the
> case of real-time multimedia communications, the readiness of the
> presentity to communicate does not entail that the network topography
> will permit communication to occur. Accordingly, this document
> specifies a means to integrate Interactive Connectivity Establishment
> (ICE) with presence. Presentities employing the Presence Information
> Data Format (PIDF) can use the extensions in this draft to advertise
> their ability to undergo a preliminary ICE check, and thus allow
> watchers to instigate ICE tests to ascertain whether or not the
> intervening network is friendly to real-time multimedia
> communication. In a presence application, the results of this test
> could be displayed to watchers as the relative "connectivity status"
> of the presentity.
>A URL for this Internet-Draft is:
>OGC: Helping the world to communicate geographically...
>This communication, including attachments, is for the exclusive use
>of addressee and may contain proprietary, confidential or privileged
>information. If you are not the intended recipient, any use,
>copying, disclosure, dissemination or distribution is strictly
>prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the
>sender immediately by return email and delete this communication
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