OASIS Energy Interoperation TC

NAESB document - DR/DER use cases and requirements - for EITC October7 discussion

  • 1.  NAESB document - DR/DER use cases and requirements - for EITC October7 discussion

    Posted 10-07-2009 14:30
    NAESB is leading an effort to collect and clarify use case and
    requirements for DR and DER and for price communication for delivery to
    this TC, the EMIX TC, and others.  We expect these documents to be
    contributed when it is finished in late October/early November.

    NAESB has opened a review of a draft of these two documents.

    The review period for these drafts ends October 11.

    We'll discuss the review and issues wrt to DR/DER in this morning's meeting.  (Price Communication will be in EMIX, and many of you are already signed up for that new Energy Market Information Exchange TC -- see http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/emix to sign up to vote at the first meeting).

    The home page for this work (DR/DER and Price) is http://www.naesb.org/smart_grid_standards_strategies_development.asp .

    The attachments aren't on this email; the link to the current draft document is http://www.naesb.org/pdf4/smart_grid_ssd100209reqcom_dr_der_attach1.doc.

    The link to the request for comments on DR/DER (including the link to the document) is http://www.naesb.org/pdf4/smart_grid_ssd100209reqcom_dr_der.doc

    The link to the request for comments on Price Communication is http://www.naesb.org/pdf4/smart_grid_ssd100209reqcom_common_price.doc

    The link to the list of participants is http://www.naesb.org/pdf4/smart_grid_distribution_list.doc .

    Here's Jonathan Booe's cover letter on the effort:

    "On September 29-30 in DC, there was a  two day meeting hosted by NIST/Enernex to provide coordination for price modeling, demand response, distributed energy resources, scheduling and standard energy usage meter data, (NIST Priority Action Plans 3,4,9 and 10).   Attendees included  electric industry market participants,  technologists, vendors, government, building and equipment related groups.   At the end of the second day, NAESB was assigned the functional requirements definitions for PAPs 3, 4 and 9.

    For assignments to NAESB, we are proceeding to accomplish the work through the Smart Grid task force, a group meeting on a very frequent basis by conference call and web cast.  The chairs of this NAESB task force are Robert Burke of ISO-NE, Brent Hodges of Reliant Energy and Wayne Longcore of CMS Energy, and Jonathan Booe from our office is providing legal support and is our contact person.   Please note that in this effort as in any NAESB efforts, all interested parties are welcome regardless of membership in NAESB.

    Please note that the roster of interested parties is shown in the second attachment.  If you, your staff or colleagues are not on this list and would like to receive emails regarding our efforts, I urge you to contact our office to be added (vthomason@naesb.org or reply to this email).   Anyone can participate in the effort, and we would welcome all assistance in meeting the objectives outlined in the PAPs.  To follow the efforts, the web site page is set up for all meeting notices and relevant work papers can be accessed from http://www.naesb.org/smart_grid_standards_strategies_development.asp.


    Jonathan Booe
    Staff Attorney
    North American Energy Standards Board
    1301 Fannin, Suite 2350
    Houston, Texas 77002
    (713) 356-0060 - office
    (281) 642-3912 - cell

    William Cox
    Email: wtcox@CoxSoftwareArchitects.com
    Web: http://www.CoxSoftwareArchitects.com
    +1 862 485 3696 mobile
    +1 908 277 3460 fax