May I suggest we get a list of SC members’
locations? For example, 1400 GMT is 0600 for the west coast USA
(GMT-8). I’m somewhat less than productive at 6 am.
J Depending on what
time zones we need to balance, we may be able to find a better time for
all. With luck, this smaller SC will be more conducive to that than
the larger TC – the roster
appears to be mainly from the Americas and Europe.
Original Message-----
From: Robin LaFontaine []
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2010 9:37 AM
Subject: [office-collab] Welcome - Advanced Document Collaboration
Welcome to the new OpenDocument - Advanced
Document Collaboration Subcommittee!
We have some important work to do in this new
subcommittee, and it is good to see a good number of representatives
from different organisations. I will do my best to move things forward
at an appropriate speed, and to this end I suggest that we have an
initial conference call next Wednesday, 15 December at 14:00 hours GMT.
I will post details of an agenda and phone numbers to call in the next
few days.
After that initial conference call, and based
on comments from members of the subcommittee, I will put together a
road map to guide our work and concentrate our efforts in the right
I anticipate that we will work through the
e-mail list and with a conference call every 2 to 3 weeks. Our
processes will not need to be as formal as that of the technical
committee, because all of our work will need to be approved by the TC
in order to progress further.
Thanks to all of you for volunteering to take
part in this subcommittee, and I look forward to working with you.
Best regards,
Robin La Fontaine, Director, DeltaXML Ltd
"Change control for XML"
T: +44 1684 592 144 E:">
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Monsell House, WR8 0QN, UK
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