OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

Agenda for Friday joint SC call

  • 1.  Agenda for Friday joint SC call

    Posted 04-02-2004 02:03
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Agenda for Friday joint SC call

    Here's an overview of the items we need to cover Friday.  As
    previously noted:
       Fri 2 April 7 a.m. SF standard time (15h00 UTC, 16h00
          London, 17h00 Berlin, 23h00 Perth)
        - Accept schemas from David
        - Initial schema Q/A
        - Packaging review (in particular, normative status of the
          CL paper and other prose pieces)
    Please add this item:
        - Decisions regarding common CC schemas
    With regard to which, see in particular

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