OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

[xacml] XACML July 25, 2002 Minutes

  • 1.  [xacml] XACML July 25, 2002 Minutes

    Posted 07-25-2002 17:22
    Title: XACML Conference Call Minutes XACML Conference Call Date:   Thursday, July 25, 2002 Time: 10:00 AM EDT Tel: 512-225-3050 Access Code: 65998   Summary Reviewed action items, schema subcommittee progress and F2F agenda. Subcommittee has resolved a lot of issues, but some major ones still outstanding. Next meeting is tomorrow (7/26) and there is no Monday meeting. F2F is next week and a few adjustments to the agenda were made. Conference call in will be available for ½ hour on Wed and Thurs morning at 9:00 EDT and minutes will be emailed to list at end of Day 1 and Day 2.   Action Items Anne to have non-normative examples of policy signatures by F2F or soon thereafter .. Tim to release v15 of spec week before F2F Tim - first draft of Access Control background due at F2F. XACML primer from Hal and Konstantin postponed until after Face to Face. Anne to have Conformance Test Document by F2F  Add IPR issue regarding IBM to IPR section of document Michiharu will provide test cases for obligations and multiple hierarchies before F2F Don to get second room for parallel discussions on afternoon of day 2. Don to make sure conference call connection is available and can dial out in room. Action Items on Hold Anne to go over request context with Eve Maler to see which parts make sense to fold into SAML after finalizing of SAML issue list. On hold, waiting for context issues to be resolved.   Votes Voted to accept minutes of 7/18 meeting http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xacml/200207/msg000xx.html   Proposed Agenda: 10:00-10:05 Roll Call and Agenda Review 10:05-10:10 Vote to accept minutes of July 18 conference call http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xacml/200207/msg000xx.html 10:10-10:15 Review of Action Items (see 7/18 minutes) 10:15-10:30 Schema subcommittee (Anne) 10:30-10:50 Next F2F discussion:  agenda review (Hal) 10:50-11:00 Any other business   Roll Call Ken Yagen, Crosslogix Hal Lockhart, Entegrity Carlisle Adams , Entrust Tim Moses, Entrust Don Flinn , Hitachi Michiharu Kudoh, IBM Simon Godik , Self Suresh Damodaran , Sterling Commerce Anne Anderson, Sun Microsystems   Raw Minutes (taken by Ken Yagen)   Voted to accept minutes of last meeting Anne to have non-normative examples of policy signatures by F2F. Working on conformance instead. May or may not be ready by F2F Tim to release v15 of spec week of 7/15 Revised schema before end of week. Text before F2F Tim - first draft of Access Control background due 7/19. Will become available during F2F XACML primer from Hal and Konstantin postponed until after Face to Face. Daniel to post his interchange format proposal before 7/15 meeting Daniel posted some sort of response to list. Carlisle to ping Karl Best again on IBM IP Issues Not expecting further response from IBM. Will make IP will be optional in spec and not normative. Should be called out specifically in IPR section of document Anne to have Conformance Test Cases by F2F  Anne has published a description to list. Hope to have test document by F2F. Asked for feedback from people. Positive and negative test for each function. Interested if there are additions to other areas in the schema. Conformance tests have levels - basic mandatory to implement and sections of areas not mandatory to implement. Ie Obligation protecting resource where must look into the resource. Michiharu will provide test cases for obligations and multiple hierarchies. Test case on implied action - action implied by name of resource like in Java Hal - suggested profiles. Need to figure out a way to specify profiles (subsets, different from SAML). Tim - in v1 will only standardize base profile. Hal - May want to define subsets in a conformant way. Time for discussion of conformance profiles at F2F. Hal will lead discussion of how to go about creating profiles. Tim - what will be LCD at F2F for swapping text - floppy drive or USB port Resolve IP issues with IBM. On hold waiting on OASIS to discuss IP issues with IBM in 1 to 1 ½ weeks. No more response expected from IBM beyond what Carlisle noted Anne to go over request context with Eve Maler to see which parts make sense to fold into SAML after finalizing of SAML issue list. On hold, waiting for context issues to be resolved. Response from ContentGuard regarding IP claims and XACML Not expecting response Schema Subcommittee Report (Anne) Working against list of schema issues. Next meeting tomorrow. Still working on XPath subset. Have not yet resolved. Proposals for attribute designators that do not require XPath . Discussion on how to deal with indeterminate results and operational errors. Use of XPath with namespaces needs to be resolved and understood better. Happy with new target schema and matching rules. Referring to policy set in SAML assertion by reference will be added to schema. Not necessary to repeat subject and action in response. Only one resource and action per request, although could be hierarchal. Changed name of other to environment in context. Resolved qualifier attribute in subject id definition. Refers to SAML name qualifier. Chose to use resource designator over specifier . Resource id will be a string, not a URI. Format is more than datatype . Don't need scope in the response. Resource content schema accepted from Michiharu. Fixed condition type so only one type in a single rule. Removing advice from XACML until can agree on a schema for it. Simon has proposed a schema that needs to be reviewed.   No meeting on Monday, but people should spend time preparing for F2F.   Agenda for F2F July 30: 9:00-12:00 Walkthru of latest version of document and schema to identify items to be discussed. Anne suggests instead walkthrough list of issues, not the document. Hal explained notion is last call to raise issues not on the list. 12:00-1:00 Lunch 1:00-5:00 Combine items from morning and items from schema subcommittee list and discuss and resolve each July 31: 9:00-12:00 Continue discussion of items 12:00-1:00 Lunch 1:00-3:00 Presentation of Digital Signatures Examples and discussion May not be ready for F2F since Conformance is priority.     Presentation of Conformance Test Cases and discussion 3:00-4:00 Work on identifiers section To be led by Bill Anne suggests maybe split up into small groups. One group pick out identifiers and make a proposal and another group work on conformance profiles and then come back together and present proposals. Don will try to get a second room for 3-5. Simon - why spend time on this at the F2F. Anne - whole list mentioned in spec but not spelled out. Not a discussion but a work item to figure out which ones. Needed for conformance tests. Will work separately and come back together at 4:30 . 4:00-5:00 Discuss conformance profiles   Aug 1:   9:00-10:00 Discuss security and privacy section   Is Polar leading this based on James' text distributed previously 10:00-11:00 Presentation of LDAP Profile and discussion (Tim) 11:00-12:00 Open for deferred or new items 12:00-1:00 Lunch 1:00-5:00 Review issues list for items to close or defer (past 1.0) At least two people leaving midafternoon Tim - missing significant text in textual specification of functions. Anne - does XPath define these that we can borrow from? Need to validate XPath and come up with text of functions not covered. Anne will bring copy of XPath (2).   No phone call next Thursday. Michiharu requests a system similar to last time with time block in morning to call in. Will be speakerphone and Don will confirm we can call conference number. Wednesday and Thursday Morning less than ½ hour. Would like minutes Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.   Any other issues? Directions to room included in Don's email to list.   Motion to adjourn