OASIS Emergency Management TC

Re: Verify DE addresses Incident and Event

  • 1.  Re: Verify DE addresses Incident and Event

    Posted 07-14-2005 18:26
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    Subject: Re: Verify DE addresses Incident and Event

    Hey Tim,   The DE messageReference tracks the related messages but I do not 
    see a common reference to a specific incident for related messages.  There 
    was an incidentID in the original DE draft.  However, I think this was one 
    of the items that was moved to a named/controlled list during the face to 
    face in New Orleans.  Lee may have more information.  I am putting this out 
    to the list for other to comment.  Elysa
    At 11:04 AM 7/14/2005, Timothy Grapes wrote:
    >I didn't want to take time on the call, but I have an importent question
    >about the DE - please forward my question to the appropriate person if you
    >don't have the answer.
    >Resource Messages require reference to an incident (unplanned) and/or
    >event (planned).  I believe DE covers this requirement (has a place-holder
    >for this), but need to confirm.
    >Tim Grapes
    >DHS Disaster Management
    >Mount Weather:  (540) 542-3239
    >Mobile:         (703) 304-4829
    >On Thu, July 14, 2005 10:02 am, Elysa Jones said:
    > > Agenda:
    > > Attendance
    > > Meeting Notes 6/28/05
    > > SC Structure
    > > CAP 1.1
    > > EM-TC Wiki
    > > EDXL Draft Status
    > >
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