OASIS Emergency Management TC

  • 1.  Fwd: EDXL-HAVE and SOA / B2B use cases / implementation models

    Posted 01-22-2008 16:31
    Hi Elysa, Sukumar, TC

    Here is the message I sent to David Webber with regard to the issues he raised for which I took an action item to draft a response.


    Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2007 11:11:28 -0800
    To: "David RR Webber \(XML\)" <david@drrw.info>
    From: Rex Brooks <rexb@starbourne.com>
    Subject: EDXL-HAVE and SOA / B2B use cases / implementation models
    Cc: emergency@lists.oasis-open.org
    Hi David,

    I took an action item in today's Emergency Management TC Meeting to respond to your two messages. We did not have a quorum, but we can vote in our next meeting after the Second 60-Day Public Review of EDXL-HAVE has expired to accept this response as a valid resolution to the issue presented by your Public Comment copied below.

    There are two responses to this:
    1. We were not tasked with scoping our work to address modern SOA and B2B best practices; but,
    2. If this were not a specification which is finishing its 2nd 60-Day Public Review, and if critical demand for this specification had not been repeatedly stressed upon us, (by HITSP among others) we would consider accepting your issues.

    So, for now we choose to defer. However EDXL-Resource Messaging  (EDXL-RM) actually provides the Message Exchange Patterns you mention. It is a couple of months behind EDXL-HAVE.

    We will certainly consider adding such considerations in the next version of EDXL-HAVE, but, in our opinion, the need for it is too great to delay it based on these considerations.

    That said, since I happen to be a member of the OASIS SOA Reference Model TC, I can appreciate your concern, but I don't think this is nearly as much of an encumbrance as you suggest.

    We would welcome your assistance in building sample CAM templates to show how your suggestions can be done with the existing specification.

    The EDXL-Resource Messaging (EDXL-RM) Specification will soon be ready its 2nd 60-Day Public Review.  EDXL-RM is based on the overall Resource Message Type, with 16 specific Message Types.

    These include a number of Requests and Responses, as well as Reports which may become its own specification with EDXL-HAVE as a model.

    I am editing the current version of EDXL-RM 1.0 which we will, hopefully, finish at our upcoming workgroup face-to-face meetings January 8,9,10 in Washington, D.C.

    EDXL-DE 1.0 handles the Routing/Distribution of Emergency Messages and is being implemented by the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) and we are using what we learn in that effort to provide some of the requirements for EDXL-DE 1.1.

    The whole EDXL Family has at least two and maybe three more specifications working their way through the practitioner-SME group process that leads up to submitting it to the TC for the TC to decide on accepting or not.

    We are also planning an EDXL-Reference Information Model (EDXL-RIM) which will formalize the various kinds of messages and mechanisms in the whole family at a more abstract level than the specifications. It is preliminarily planned to include an RDF Schema and an OWL-DL representation in addition to an XML Schema.

    Rex Brooks

    Subject: EDXL-HAVE and SOA / B2B use cases / implementation models

        * From: "David RR Webber \(XML\)" <david@drrw.info>
        * To: emergency-comment@lists.oasis-open.org
        * Date: Sun, 04 Nov 2007 16:40:27 -0700

    Having looked at your XSD - I'm just not seeing the connection here to modern SOA and B2B best practices.

    Frankly - if I were a hospital adminstrator - I'd have a real hard time understanding how I'd adopt this - and build it into emergency dashboarding.

    The problem is that this is an "all or nothing" information exchange model - that seems at odds with a service based or B2B collaborative partner model.

    In the B2B model - I'd want to send out hourly bulletins on status changes - and hence use lean-and-mean messages with just essentials that new data requires.

    In a SOA service model - I'd expect to do a query / response exchange - where I'd send out requests to my group of partners (actually this is a nice B2B / ebXML shared routing example too - rather than point-to-point SOAP webservices).

    So what we're missing is that query message.  This could be based off the xsd you have - simply put a message_type on there - and then include the sections you want status on as empty tags - for a simple first cut at this.

    You may want to get more sophisticated and include specific service empty tags below that parent.

    The responding systems would then "fill-in" those empty tags - as responding information.

    Again - you can easily build CAM templates for this interaction model - but you will need to change your schema to make things optional - and then provide the CAM template for the particular interchange context to make clear the exact content model(s).

    Thanks, DW

    Rex Brooks
    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    Berkeley, CA 94702
    Tel: 510-898-0670

    Rex Brooks
    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    Berkeley, CA 94702
    Tel: 510-898-0670

  • 2.  RE: [emergency] Fwd: EDXL-HAVE and SOA / B2B use cases / implementation models

    Posted 01-22-2008 21:10

    Attached also was my 2-cents on the topic.  Rex had agreed with the content but I don’t believe this was used or forwarded to David.



    Rex et al,

    I left David off this response to first determine whether the TC agrees with my comment.  I have also heard similar comments regarding the size of the standards (payload size) discussed referencing the term "microformats".  I tend to use the term "profiles" here.

    Setting aside David's comment regarding a query message, I believe a need for smaller "lean and mean" messages can be accommodated in accordance with the present HAVE standard architecture through implementation of profiles.

    HAVE contains only a handful of mandatory elements, allowing implementers to create "profiles" to suit their needs.  By profiles I mean subsets of the overall "reference schema" built in accordance with all requirements of the specification.  Put another way these are smaller "constraint" schemas built off of the overall standard "reference schema".  A profile can be any size - very small if needed to meet a particular exchange purpose. 

    In the case of RM I realize the TC choose to explicitly define several of these "profiles" (individual RM message types) within the spec.  But we'll never predict all possible needs, and the current standards do not preclude implementations from developing their own profiles/constraint schemas - as long as they adhere to the core standard definitions and rules.






    From: Rex Brooks [mailto:rexb@starbourne.com]
    Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 11:30 AM
    To: ejones@warningsystems.com; sukumar_dwarkanath@sra.com; emergency@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: [emergency] Fwd: EDXL-HAVE and SOA / B2B use cases / implementation models

    Hi Elysa, Sukumar, TC

    Here is the message I sent to David Webber with regard to the issues he raised for which I took an action item to draft a response.



    Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2007 11:11:28 -0800
    To: "David RR Webber \(XML\)" <david@drrw.info>
    From: Rex Brooks <rexb@starbourne.com>
    Subject: EDXL-HAVE and SOA / B2B use cases / implementation models
    Cc: emergency@lists.oasis-open.org

    Hi David,

    I took an action item in today's Emergency Management TC Meeting to respond to your two messages. We did not have a quorum, but we can vote in our next meeting after the Second 60-Day Public Review of EDXL-HAVE has expired to accept this response as a valid resolution to the issue presented by your Public Comment copied below.

    There are two responses to this:
    1. We were not tasked with scoping our work to address modern SOA and B2B best practices; but,
    2. If this were not a specification which is finishing its 2nd 60-Day Public Review, and if critical demand for this specification had not been repeatedly stressed upon us, (by HITSP among others) we would consider accepting your issues.

    So, for now we choose to defer. However EDXL-Resource Messaging  (EDXL-RM) actually provides the Message Exchange Patterns you mention. It is a couple of months behind EDXL-HAVE.

    We will certainly consider adding such considerations in the next version of EDXL-HAVE, but, in our opinion, the need for it is too great to delay it based on these considerations.

    That said, since I happen to be a member of the OASIS SOA Reference Model TC, I can appreciate your concern, but I don't think this is nearly as much of an encumbrance as you suggest.

    We would welcome your assistance in building sample CAM templates to show how your suggestions can be done with the existing specification.

    The EDXL-Resource Messaging (EDXL-RM) Specification will soon be ready its 2nd 60-Day Public Review.  EDXL-RM is based on the overall Resource Message Type, with 16 specific Message Types.

    These include a number of Requests and Responses, as well as Reports which may become its own specification with EDXL-HAVE as a model.

    I am editing the current version of EDXL-RM 1.0 which we will, hopefully, finish at our upcoming workgroup face-to-face meetings January 8,9,10 in Washington, D.C.

    EDXL-DE 1.0 handles the Routing/Distribution of Emergency Messages and is being implemented by the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) and we are using what we learn in that effort to provide some of the requirements for EDXL-DE 1.1.

    The whole EDXL Family has at least two and maybe three more specifications working their way through the practitioner-SME group process that leads up to submitting it to the TC for the TC to decide on accepting or not.

    We are also planning an EDXL-Reference Information Model (EDXL-RIM) which will formalize the various kinds of messages and mechanisms in the whole family at a more abstract level than the specifications. It is preliminarily planned to include an RDF Schema and an OWL-DL representation in addition to an XML Schema.

    Rex Brooks

    Subject: EDXL-HAVE and SOA / B2B use cases / implementation models

        * From: "David RR Webber \(XML\)" <david@drrw.info>
        * To: emergency-comment@lists.oasis-open.org
        * Date: Sun, 04 Nov 2007 16:40:27 -0700

    Having looked at your XSD - I'm just not seeing the connection here to modern SOA and B2B best practices.

    Frankly - if I were a hospital adminstrator - I'd have a real hard time understanding how I'd adopt this - and build it into emergency dashboarding.

    The problem is that this is an "all or nothing" information exchange model - that seems at odds with a service based or B2B collaborative partner model.

    In the B2B model - I'd want to send out hourly bulletins on status changes - and hence use lean-and-mean messages with just essentials that new data requires.

    In a SOA service model - I'd expect to do a query / response exchange - where I'd send out requests to my group of partners (actually this is a nice B2B / ebXML shared routing example too - rather than point-to-point SOAP webservices).

    So what we're missing is that query message.  This could be based off the xsd you have - simply put a message_type on there - and then include the sections you want status on as empty tags - for a simple first cut at this.

    You may want to get more sophisticated and include specific service empty tags below that parent.

    The responding systems would then "fill-in" those empty tags - as responding information.

    Again - you can easily build CAM templates for this interaction model - but you will need to change your schema to make things optional - and then provide the CAM template for the particular interchange context to make clear the exact content model(s).

    Thanks, DW



    Rex Brooks
    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    Berkeley, CA 94702
    Tel: 510-898-0670


    Rex Brooks
    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    Berkeley, CA 94702
    Tel: 510-898-0670

  • 3.  RE: [emergency] Fwd: EDXL-HAVE and SOA / B2B use cases /implementation models

    Posted 01-23-2008 00:55
    Thanks Tim,

    I believe we're caught up at this point and the fact that the issues were deferred is understood. I'm sure David also understands that CAM provides a good way to do as you suggest. We arranged to have a collaborative (i.e. AdobeConnect shared webinar) during the Feb. 7 Adoption SC meeting.

    Just for everyone's benefit, what Tim describes was incorporated into the EDXL-RM spec, and will be included in the EDXL Reference Information Model as major EDXL principle.


    At 4:09 PM -0500 1/22/08, Timothy Grapes wrote:
    Attached also was my 2-cents on the topic.  Rex had agreed with the content but I don't believe this was used or forwarded to David.
    Rex et al,
    I left David off this response to first determine whether the TC agrees with my comment.  I have also heard similar comments regarding the size of the standards (payload size) discussed referencing the term "microformats".  I tend to use the term "profiles" here.
    Setting aside David's comment regarding a query message, I believe a need for smaller "lean and mean" messages can be accommodated in accordance with the present HAVE standard architecture through implementation of profiles.
    HAVE contains only a handful of mandatory elements, allowing implementers to create "profiles" to suit their needs.  By profiles I mean subsets of the overall "reference schema" built in accordance with all requirements of the specification.  Put another way these are smaller "constraint" schemas built off of the overall standard "reference schema".  A profile can be any size - very small if needed to meet a particular exchange purpose.
    In the case of RM I realize the TC choose to explicitly define several of these "profiles" (individual RM message types) within the spec.  But we'll never predict all possible needs, and the current standards do not preclude implementations from developing their own profiles/constraint schemas - as long as they adhere to the core standard definitions and rules.
    From: Rex Brooks [mailto:rexb@starbourne.com]
    Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 11:30 AM
    To: ejones@warningsystems.com; sukumar_dwarkanath@sra.com; emergency@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: [emergency] Fwd: EDXL-HAVE and SOA / B2B use cases / implementation models
    Hi Elysa, Sukumar, TC
    Here is the message I sent to David Webber with regard to the issues he raised for which I took an action item to draft a response.
    Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2007 11:11:28 -0800
    To: "David RR Webber \(XML\)" <david@drrw.info>
    From: Rex Brooks <rexb@starbourne.com>
    Subject: EDXL-HAVE and SOA / B2B use cases / implementation models
    Cc: emergency@lists.oasis-open.org
    Hi David,

    I took an action item in today's Emergency Management TC Meeting to respond to your two messages. We did not have a quorum, but we can vote in our next meeting after the Second 60-Day Public Review of EDXL-HAVE has expired to accept this response as a valid resolution to the issue presented by your Public Comment copied below.

    There are two responses to this:
    1. We were not tasked with scoping our work to address modern SOA and B2B best practices; but,
    2. If this were not a specification which is finishing its 2nd 60-Day Public Review, and if critical demand for this specification had not been repeatedly stressed upon us, (by HITSP among others) we would consider accepting your issues.

    So, for now we choose to defer. However EDXL-Resource Messaging  (EDXL-RM) actually provides the Message Exchange Patterns you mention. It is a couple of months behind EDXL-HAVE.

    We will certainly consider adding such considerations in the next version of EDXL-HAVE, but, in our opinion, the need for it is too great to delay it based on these considerations.

    That said, since I happen to be a member of the OASIS SOA Reference Model TC, I can appreciate your concern, but I don't think this is nearly as much of an encumbrance as you suggest.

    We would welcome your assistance in building sample CAM templates to show how your suggestions can be done with the existing specification.

    The EDXL-Resource Messaging (EDXL-RM) Specification will soon be ready its 2nd 60-Day Public Review.  EDXL-RM is based on the overall Resource Message Type, with 16 specific Message Types.

    These include a number of Requests and Responses, as well as Reports which may become its own specification with EDXL-HAVE as a model.

    I am editing the current version of EDXL-RM 1.0 which we will, hopefully, finish at our upcoming workgroup face-to-face meetings January 8,9,10 in Washington, D.C.

    EDXL-DE 1.0 handles the Routing/Distribution of Emergency Messages and is being implemented by the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) and we are using what we learn in that effort to provide some of the requirements for EDXL-DE 1.1.

    The whole EDXL Family has at least two and maybe three more specifications working their way through the practitioner-SME group process that leads up to submitting it to the TC for the TC to decide on accepting or not.

    We are also planning an EDXL-Reference Information Model (EDXL-RIM) which will formalize the various kinds of messages and mechanisms in the whole family at a more abstract level than the specifications. It is preliminarily planned to include an RDF Schema and an OWL-DL representation in addition to an XML Schema.

    Rex Brooks

    Subject: EDXL-HAVE and SOA / B2B use cases / implementation models

        * From: "David RR Webber \(XML\)" <david@drrw.info>
        * To: emergency-comment@lists.oasis-open.org
        * Date: Sun, 04 Nov 2007 16:40:27 -0700

    Having looked at your XSD - I'm just not seeing the connection here to modern SOA and B2B best practices.

    Frankly - if I were a hospital adminstrator - I'd have a real hard time understanding how I'd adopt this - and build it into emergency dashboarding.

    The problem is that this is an "all or nothing" information exchange model - that seems at odds with a service based or B2B collaborative partner model.

    In the B2B model - I'd want to send out hourly bulletins on status changes - and hence use lean-and-mean messages with just essentials that new data requires.

    In a SOA service model - I'd expect to do a query / response exchange - where I'd send out requests to my group of partners (actually this is a nice B2B / ebXML shared routing example too - rather than point-to-point SOAP webservices).

    So what we're missing is that query message.  This could be based off the xsd you have - simply put a message_type on there - and then include the sections you want status on as empty tags - for a simple first cut at this.

    You may want to get more sophisticated and include specific service empty tags below that parent.

    The responding systems would then "fill-in" those empty tags - as responding information.

    Again - you can easily build CAM templates for this interaction model - but you will need to change your schema to make things optional - and then provide the CAM template for the particular interchange context to make clear the exact content model(s).

    Thanks, DW
    Rex Brooks
    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    Berkeley, CA 94702
    Tel: 510-898-0670
    Rex Brooks
    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    Berkeley, CA 94702
    Tel: 510-898-0670

    From: "Timothy Grapes" <tgrapes@evotecinc.com>
    To: "'Rex Brooks'" <rexb@starbourne.com>
    Cc: "'Elysa Jones'" <ejones@warningsystems.com>
    Subject: FW: [emergency] EDXL-HAVE and SOA / B2B use cases / implementation models
    Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2008 12:28:09 -0500
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
    X-Mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook 12.0
    Thread-Index: Acg8KbnihfK3bezKT1e4vcuPfRppAQABoTzwAGBpotAFGngDsA==
    Content-language: en-us
    FYI below is my input to his question.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Timothy Grapes [mailto:tgrapes@evotecinc.com]
    Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2007 1:00 PM
    To: 'rexbroo@gmail.com'
    Subject: FW: [emergency] EDXL-HAVE and SOA / B2B use cases / implementation models
    See below.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Timothy Grapes [mailto:tgrapes@evotecinc.com]
    Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 3:13 PM
    To: 'Rex Brooks'
    Cc: emergency@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: RE: [emergency] EDXL-HAVE and SOA / B2B use cases / implementation models
    Rex et al,
    I left David off this response to first determine whether the TC agrees with
    my comment.  I have also heard similar comments regarding the size of the
    standards (payload size) discussed referencing the term "microformats".  I
    tend to use the term "profiles" here.
    Setting aside David's comment regarding a query message, I believe a need
    for smaller "lean and mean" messages can be accommodated in accordance with
    the present HAVE standard architecture through implementation of profiles.
    HAVE contains only a handful of mandatory elements, allowing implementers to
    create "profiles" to suit their needs.  By profiles I mean subsets of the
    overall "reference schema" built in accordance with all requirements of the
    specification.  Put another way these are smaller "constraint" schemas built
    off of the overall standard "reference schema".  A profile can be any size -
    very small if needed to meet a particular exchange purpose. 
    In the case of RM I realize the TC choose to explicitly define several of
    these "profiles" (individual RM message types) within the spec.  But we'll
    never predict all possible needs, and the current standards do not preclude
    implementations from developing their own profiles/constraint schemas - as
    long as they adhere to the core standard definitions and rules.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Rex Brooks [mailto:rexb@starbourne.com]
    Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 2:11 PM
    To: David RR Webber (XML)
    Cc: emergency@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: [emergency] EDXL-HAVE and SOA / B2B use cases / implementation
    Hi David,
    I took an action item in today's Emergency Management TC Meeting to
    respond to your two messages. We did not have a quorum, but we can
    vote in our next meeting after the Second 60-Day Public Review of
    EDXL-HAVE has expired to accept this response as a valid resolution
    to the issue presented by your Public Comment copied below.
    There are two responses to this:
    1. We were not tasked with scoping our work to address modern SOA and
    B2B best practices; but,
    2. If this were not a specification which is finishing its 2nd 60-Day
    Public Review, and if critical demand for this specification had not
    been repeatedly stressed upon us, (by HITSP among others) we would
    consider accepting your issues.
    So, for now we choose to defer. However EDXL-Resource Messaging
    (EDXL-RM) actually provides the Message Exchange Patterns you
    mention. It is a couple of months behind EDXL-HAVE.
    We will certainly consider adding such considerations in the next
    version of EDXL-HAVE, but, in our opinion, the need for it is too
    great to delay it based on these considerations.
    That said, since I happen to be a member of the OASIS SOA Reference
    Model TC, I can appreciate your concern, but I don't think this is
    nearly as much of an encumbrance as you suggest.
    We would welcome your assistance in building sample CAM templates to
    show how your suggestions can be done with the existing specification.
    The EDXL-Resource Messaging (EDXL-RM) Specification will soon be
    ready its 2nd 60-Day Public Review.  EDXL-RM is based on the overall
    Resource Message Type, with 16 specific Message Types.
    These include a number of Requests and Responses, as well as Reports
    which may become its own specification with EDXL-HAVE as a model.
    I am editing the current version of EDXL-RM 1.0 which we will,
    hopefully, finish at our upcoming workgroup face-to-face meetings
    January 8,9,10 in Washington, D.C.

    EDXL-DE 1.0 handles the Routing/Distribution of Emergency Messages
    and is being implemented by the Integrated Public Alert and Warning
    System (IPAWS) and we are using what we learn in that effort to
    provide some of the requirements for EDXL-DE 1.1.
    The whole EDXL Family has at least two and maybe three more
    specifications working their way through the practitioner-SME group
    process that leads up to submitting it to the TC for the TC to decide
    on accepting or not.
    We are also planning an EDXL-Reference Information Model (EDXL-RIM)
    which will formalize the various kinds of messages and mechanisms in
    the whole family at a more abstract level than the specifications. It
    is preliminarily planned to include an RDF Schema and an OWL-DL
    representation in addition to an XML Schema.
    Rex Brooks

    Subject: EDXL-HAVE and SOA / B2B use cases / implementation models
         * From: "David RR Webber \(XML\)" <david@drrw.info>
         * To: emergency-comment@lists.oasis-open.org
         * Date: Sun, 04 Nov 2007 16:40:27 -0700
    Having looked at your XSD - I'm just not seeing the connection here
    to modern SOA and B2B best practices.
    Frankly - if I were a hospital adminstrator - I'd have a real hard
    time understanding how I'd adopt this - and build it into emergency
    The problem is that this is an "all or nothing" information exchange
    model - that seems at odds with a service based or B2B collaborative
    partner model.
    In the B2B model - I'd want to send out hourly bulletins on status
    changes - and hence use lean-and-mean messages with just essentials
    that new data requires.
    In a SOA service model - I'd expect to do a query / response exchange
    - where I'd send out requests to my group of partners (actually this
    is a nice B2B / ebXML shared routing example too - rather than
    point-to-point SOAP webservices).
    So what we're missing is that query message.  This could be based off
    the xsd you have - simply put a message_type on there - and then
    include the sections you want status on as empty tags - for a simple
    first cut at this.
    You may want to get more sophisticated and include specific service
    empty tags below that parent.
    The responding systems would then "fill-in" those empty tags - as
    responding information.
    Again - you can easily build CAM templates for this interaction model
    - but you will need to change your schema to make things optional -
    and then provide the CAM template for the particular interchange
    context to make clear the exact content model(s).
    Thanks, DW

    Rex Brooks
    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    Berkeley, CA 94702
    Tel: 510-898-0670
    To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that
    generates this mail.  You may a link to this group and all your TCs in OASIS

    To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that
    generates this mail.  You may a link to this group and all your TCs in OASIS

    Rex Brooks
    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    Berkeley, CA 94702
    Tel: 510-898-0670