Hi Paul,
In general, yes. The piece that's missing is that this list is intended to be "input only" - that is, one should not expect discussion from TC members on any of the posts on this list. The intent is that the posts would be discussed by the TC which would then decide what action, if any, to take. If individuals want to take an active role in the development of the spec, they should then join the technical committee itself.
I would like to make it clear to everyone commenting that the TC has not yet approved a formal 60-day Public Review of the specification; the approximate date posted in the call for requirements for "ODF-Next" was late April. At that point in time the TC will be required to log all comments received along with their resolution before proceeding to the next approval level. That said, OASIS encourages feedback at any stage of a specification's lifecycle; early feedback is typically much easier to react to than that provided late in the game.
All the best,