OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

OpenDocument TC work call minutes 2007-07-17

  • 1.  OpenDocument TC work call minutes 2007-07-17

    Posted 07-20-2007 11:30
    roll call
    Robert Weir, IBM
    Patrick Durusau
    Michael Brauer, Sun Microsystems
    Lars Oppermann, Sun Microsystems
    Eike Rathke, Sun Microsystems
    open proposals...
    is-subtable discussion
    is there anything left to do?
    language not clear
    how do A11Y tools handle nested tables?
    - ask A11Y
    a) don't imply in the main specification that subtables should be used
    to structure tables
    b) note in A11Y guidelines that subtables should not be used and that
    col/row-span be used instead...
    comments submitted to oasis...
    collecting them and publishing summary
    rob started to go through comments
    working them into spreadsheet
    Errata doc for 1.0 for OASIS and ISO versions
    Sun Microsystems                Lars Oppermann