OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

  • 1.  OASIS Standard Submission Package for ebXML Messaging Services v3.0: Part 1, Core Features

    Posted 07-14-2007 00:33
    On behalf of the Chair and Members of the ebXML Messaging Services TC,
    I present the submission package for OASIS ebXML Messaging Services
    Version 3.0: Part 1, Core Features, for approval as an OASIS Standard.
    A record of the decision to approve the submission of this
    specification may be found at
    a. Links to the approved Committee Specification:
      Specification text:
    b. Editable version of the specification:
    c. Certification by the TC that schema and XML instances are well
       formed, and expressions are valid:
      See Resolution recorded in 11 July 2007 TC Meeting Minutes (to be
      provided by Chair when available).
    d. A clear English-language summary of the specification (from
       the specification's Abstract):
      This specification defines a communications-protocol neutral method
      for exchanging electronic business messages. It defines specific Web
      Services-based enveloping constructs supporting reliable, secure
      delivery of business information. Furthermore, the specification
      defines a flexible enveloping technique, permitting messages to
      contain payloads of any format type. This versatility ensures legacy
      electronic business systems employing traditional syntaxes (i.e.
      UN/EDIFACT, ASC X12, or HL7) can leverage the advantages of the ebXML
      infrastructure along with users of emerging technologies.
    e. A statement regarding the relationship of this specification to
       similar work of other OASIS TCs or other standards developing
      This specification is the first major revision of ebXML Message
      Services since the OASIS ebMS 2.0 (April 2002).  It continues the
      use of relevant Web Services specifications, including SOAP 1.1 and
      SOAP with Attachments; and also encourages the use of and converge
      with various Web Services standards that have emerged since the
      publication of ebMS 2.0, including SOAP 1.2, Web Services Security:
      SOAP Message Security 1.0 & 1.1, WS-Reliability 1.1, WS-
      ReliableMessaging 1.1.
      It is designed to be used either with or without any of the other
      ebXML components, including ebXML Business Process Specification
      Schema (BPSS) 2.0.4 and a forthcoming version of ebXML Collaboration
      Protocol Profile and Agreement (CPP/A).
    f. Statements of Use have been provided by three OASIS member companies:
    g. Two Public Reviews have been held:
      12 May 2006 through 11 June 2006
      02 May 2007 through 17 May 2007
      A record of all issues logged against this specification, along with
      the disposition of each, can be found here:
      [Note that no substantive changes have been made to the
      specification since the last Public Review; see Resolution to this
      effect recorded in 11 July 2007 TC Meeting Minutes (to be provided
      by Chair when available).]
    h. The 2nd Committee Specification ballot concluded on 12 July 2007,
      and the result was unanimous approval.  Results may be found at
    i. This is the first attempt to standardize ebMS version 3.0.
    j. The Technical Committee's publicly visible comments archive may be
      found at
    k. As the CS ballot was unanimous, no Minority Reports have been
    Pete Wenzel 

  • 2.  RE: OASIS Standard Submission Package for ebXML Messaging Services v3.0: Part 1, Core Features

    Posted 07-14-2007 00:49
    Thanks Pete,
      Receipt acknowledged. I'll check all the links, etc. to make sure everything is in order in the next few days - as
    long as there are no major defects, and any minor defects are fixed prior to the end of the month you'll be all set.

  • 3.  RE: OASIS Standard Submission Package for ebXML Messaging Services v3.0: Part 1, Core Features

    Posted 08-15-2007 13:32
    Hi everyone,
      There was a bit of talk earlier this month about possibly postponing the
    OASIS member vote for OASIS Standard due to the concern of low turn-out. As
    I had mentioned to Jacques, I can pull the submission any time before the
    actual ballot starts (tomorrow); once it starts there is no turning back. If
    insufficient votes are cast the TC can re-submit on Sept 15 for ballot in
    October; if the submission is pulled now is can go for vote in September. 

  • 4.  RE: OASIS Standard Submission Package for ebXML Messaging Services v3.0: Part 1, Core Features

    Posted 08-15-2007 13:44
         thank you for the concern about this and we have a call later today
    and I will raise it then.  We have discussed this several times and
    tried to avoid it by going last month but we did not make it as you
    know, we also intend to discuss further promotion on the call to help
    get a yes vote.  I am assuming we will still go ahead, but is it a
    manual vote started by yourself or is it scheduled?  As we can confirm
    later today i.e. before 20:00 EDT one or the other.  (Our call is
    2:30-4:00 Pacific - 5:30-7:00EDT)
    Ian Jones
    Chair OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC 
    Email: ian.c.jones@bt.com

  • 5.  RE: OASIS Standard Submission Package for ebXML Messaging Services v3.0: Part 1, Core Features

    Posted 08-15-2007 14:47
    Thanks Ian,
      I manually configure and start the ballot - you can send me an email after
    your meeting and that will be fine.