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Subject: Re: [dita] Groups - Issue 45a: Add sort order indexing elements (IssueNumber45a.html) uploaded
JoAnn Hackos wrote:
> Chris,
> How would this proposal allow me to place the words beginning with the
> letter "a" at the end of the sort? The result would be b ... z a
This is a function of the index grouping, not sorting and cannot be
controlled within the content.
That is, the grouping and collation of index entries is *entirely* a
function of the processor based on how it is configured at the moment.
All sort-order does is let you specify a different character sequence
for an entry in order to have the entry sorted by that character
sequence. But where that character sequence will actually sort to in a
given index is defined separately.
In order to do properly localized indexes you have to have a processing
system that lets you configure both the collation rules and grouping
rules for a given locale (language, country/region, and script).
You also have to directly or indirectly identify the locale to which
each index entry applies so that you can, for example, produce
language-specific indexes from multi-language documents or
multi-language collections of topics.
Innodata Isogen provides an open-source Java library, the ISOGEN
internationalization support library
that provides facilities for managing and producing localized
back-of-the-book indexes (and any other structures that require
locale-specific sorting and grouping, such as glossaries). This library
is integrated with Saxon 6 and could be integrated with Saxon 8
(although there are some issues with interefernce with XSLT 2's
collation specification mechanism that I haven't had a chance to work
out yet).
This library could be integrated with the DITA open toolkit, for
example, to provide a complete DITA solution for internationalized index
W. Eliot Kimber
Professional Services
Innodata Isogen
9390 Research Blvd, #410
Austin, TX 78759
(512) 372-8841
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