I've attached this as a Word document and pasted the text in line. This is to reaffirm our standing rules. PROPOSED MOTION Background: The TC has two standing rules. The first, dating from 2010, permits motions to be made on the email list by any voting member, seconded on the email list by any voting member, and voted by email to the TC list. Since that rule has been in effect, the OASIS TC Process and Operations Process have evolved; this motion brings the TC rule into synchronization with the current OASIS Processes. Motion 2 reaffirms the already passed and accepted email vote to approve CTS WD11 as a Committee Specification Draft and to start the initial 30 day + Public Review. Motiion 3 reaffirms the standing rule adopted at the February 11 meeting, and includes additional language for the Chairs to ensure that the intended effect can take place. MOTION 1 (Voting Member) moves that the TC reaffirm and adopt the standing rule: (a) Outside of meetings a motion may be made by any Voting Member on the TC email list and seconded by any other Voting Member. (b) Once the motion is made and seconded, the Chair will state the motion and call for a vote on the email list, specifying the possible votes as YES, NO, or ABSTAIN. (c) The vote shall be open for seven calendar days from the initial motion statement (d) The Chair will announce the result and characteristics of the vote on the TC email list (e.g., Motion passes, Motion fails, Motion passes as a Full Majority vote) MOTION 2 (Voting Member) moves that the TC reaffirm the email vote memorialized in
https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=69224&wg_abbrev=energyinterop In all particulars. MOTION 3 (approved as a standing rule at EITC Meeting February 11, 2021) as follows MOTION: Move that the TC create a standing rule so that all IP rights contained in comments related to the CTS and extensions be treated as submitted to EML s open-source software project, which is provided under the Apache 2.0 license, at the same time. (Moved by David Holmberg, Seconded by Toby Considine, approved by Full Majority Vote) (Voting Member) moves that the TC reaffirm the adoption of the Standing Rule relating to comments, and further authorize the Chairs to implement mechanisms consistent with OASIS IPR rules to enable continued Open Source development on the CTS Specification. -- William Cox Email:
wtcox@CoxSoftwareArchitects.com Web:
http://www.CoxSoftwareArchitects.com +1 862 485 3696 mobile Attachment: PROPOSED MOTION EITC 20211028.docx Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document