>The persistDuration would be set to expire after the termination of the
validity period for
the quote.
Not that an MSH should not have message-persistence-duration for logging
purposes or whatever,
but I would view this as a business function to be modeled in a business
flow language such as
Another Example at that level: On an airline GDS to book a flight there are
3 basic steps:
Availablility query -> price quote -> book.
The price quote is a specialization of a Business Offer that expires. (In
fact, this is exactly
what happens on AA.COM.).
I would expect that function to be enforced within the business logic, not
using the ebXML MSH
Scott Hinkelman, Senior Software Engineer
XML Industry Enablement
IBM e-business Standards Strategy
512-823-8097 (TL 793-8097) (Cell: 512-415-8490)
srh@us.ibm.com, Fax: 512-838-1074
Berwanger To: ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
<rberwanger@bT cc:
rade.com> Subject: RE: [ebxml-msg] Re: Comments on the 1.09 about
03:26 PM
I am not sure that I agree with this. I thought that
persistentDuration was related to a specific message. I am thinking
about the case when the intermediate message may be a price quote and
the price quote is only valid for a few hours. The persistDuration
would be set to expire after the termination of the validity period for
the quote. However, the conversation would still be open. I can think
of several business cases where the persistDuration makes sense on a per
message basis (not to be confused with perMessage) and not based on the
Ralph Berwanger
David Fischer wrote:
> I seem to be missing something. The end of a conversation is
controlled by
> persistDuration, isn't it? I think the ConversationId is held in
> store with the MessageId (at least in the case of MessageOrdering).
Along with,
> or in, the MessageId record, there must be a persistDuration field.
When the
> last message in that conversation is deleted from the persistent store
> (persistDuration has passed), wouldn't the ConversationId
automatically go with
> it? If there are still messages waiting because they are out of
order, would
> they not also be deleted when persistDuration expires? If you are
> with messages going away too quickly, then make persistDuration long.
> There is nothing forbidding another later message to be sent with the
> ConversationId but the message order would not be of concern since all
> previous messages have expired anyway.
> Or, are you saying ConversationId is held somewhere else?
> Regards,
> David Fischer
> Drummond Group.