OASIS Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) TC

  • 1.  How to start a Committee Note Draft - request template detailed steps

    Posted 04-29-2015 16:06
    All -- I'm sending this to the list as well as directly to Richard and Raphael. The purpose of a non-standards track work product (Committee Note) is to clarify, explain, discuss, analyze, and otherwise improve the applicability of TC normative (Standards Track) work products.  I recommend that a Chair or Secretary of the TC do the following, but any TC member may - and the Chairs are notified of the request. One request per work product starter. I also recommend a separate document archive folder to Committee Notes (of which this is the first). You need to request a new document archive folder called Committee Notes using the form at https://www.oasis-open.org/resources/tc-admin-requests/folder-creation-request TC Admin requests are at the URI in (1). (1)    Go to https://www.oasis-open.org/resources/tc-admin-requests and under New Work Products select register & request a work product template / starter document (2) Enter name of submitter, OASIS Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) TC (full name of TC), mqtt@lists.oasis-open.org , Request/Reply Message Exchange Patterns and MQTT The Work Product Abbreviation will show up in file names. I recommend to the Chairs that we use reqreply . Filenames will look something like  mqtt-reqreply-v1.0-wd01.docx and so on for other forms. For Track select Non-Standards Track Work Product Select format as used by the TC. The standard is .doc so I'd use Microsoft Word . Then enter Chair Names As it should appear on an approved Work Product Cover page - Richard Coppen, Raphael Cohn, with or without middle initials as you like. Editors can be changed. I suggested Shawn as initial writer, so he should be listed. Perhaps Raphael would be another?  Up to the chairs. Could call for editors who care enough to write/clarify/contribute significantly. No namespaces. Then submit the request. The result will appear in the TC document archives after a few days (usually); questions will go from tc-admin to the TC list. Thanks! bill -- William Cox   Email: wtcox@CoxSoftwareArchitects.com   Web: http://www.CoxSoftwareArchitects.com   +1 862 485 3696 mobile

  • 2.  RE: [mqtt] How to start a Committee Note Draft - request template detailed steps

    Posted 04-29-2015 16:16

    Thanks Bill.
    I’m happy to be a (co-)editor of the document and specifically to produce the initial draft which defines the problem statement as I see it for the group the


    From: mqtt@lists.oasis-open.org
    [mailto:mqtt@lists.oasis-open.org] On Behalf Of William Cox
    Sent: April-29-15 12:06 PM
    To: mqtt@lists.oasis-open.org; Richard J Coppen; Raphael Cohn
    Subject: [mqtt] How to start a Committee Note Draft - request template detailed steps

    All --

    I'm sending this to the list as well as directly to Richard and Raphael.

    The purpose of a non-standards track work product (Committee Note) is to clarify, explain, discuss, analyze, and otherwise improve the applicability of TC normative (Standards Track) work products. 

    I recommend that a Chair or Secretary of the TC do the following, but any TC member may - and the Chairs are notified of the request. One request per work product starter.

    I also recommend a separate document archive folder to Committee Notes (of which this is the first). You need to request a new document archive folder called "Committee Notes" using the form at


    TC Admin requests are at the URI in (1).

    (1)    Go to https://www.oasis-open.org/resources/tc-admin-requests and under New Work Products select "register & request a work product template / starter document"

    (2) Enter name of submitter, " OASIS Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) TC" (full name of TC),
    "mqtt@lists.oasis-open.org" , "Request/Reply Message Exchange Patterns and MQTT"

    The Work Product Abbreviation will show up in file names. I recommend to the Chairs that we use "reqreply". Filenames will look something like  "mqtt-reqreply-v1.0-wd01.docx" and so on for other forms.

    For Track select "Non-Standards Track Work Product"

    Select format as used by the TC. The standard is .doc so I'd use "Microsoft Word".

    Then enter Chair Names "As it should appear on an approved Work Product Cover page" - Richard Coppen, Raphael Cohn, with or without middle initials as you like.

    Editors can be changed. I suggested Shawn as initial writer, so he should be listed. Perhaps Raphael would be another?  Up to the chairs. Could call for editors who care enough to write/clarify/contribute significantly.

    No namespaces.

    Then submit the request. The result will appear in the TC document archives after a few days (usually); questions will go from tc-admin to the TC list.



    William Cox  
    +1 862 485 3696 mobile

  • 3.  RE: [mqtt] How to start a Committee Note Draft - request template detailed steps

    Posted 06-14-2015 12:13
      |   view attached

    Hi All,
    As promised, enclosed is the first draft of the MQTT request/reply Committee Working Draft document.
    I have intentionally limited this version to contain only information about the problem statement and solution requirements so we can focus and agree on those
    first before diving into solution options.  That said, I intend to update with some of my own thoughts on a solution as we get agreement on the problem.
    Perhaps we can start the discussions this Thursday (18 th ) at the next conf call on how to proceed.  I’m happy also to take comments by email but
    I’m travelling this week so will be slow to respond.
    Richard – if you let me know where/how to post this on the MQTT site I’m happy to do that.

    From: mqtt@lists.oasis-open.org
    [mailto:mqtt@lists.oasis-open.org] On Behalf Of Shawn McAllister
    Sent: April-29-15 12:15 PM
    To: William Cox; mqtt@lists.oasis-open.org; Richard J Coppen; Raphael Cohn
    Subject: RE: [mqtt] How to start a Committee Note Draft - request template detailed steps

    Thanks Bill.
    I’m happy to be a (co-)editor of the document and specifically to produce the initial draft which defines the problem statement as I see it for the group the


    mqtt@lists.oasis-open.org [ mailto:mqtt@lists.oasis-open.org ]
    On Behalf Of William Cox
    Sent: April-29-15 12:06 PM
    To: mqtt@lists.oasis-open.org ; Richard J Coppen; Raphael Cohn
    Subject: [mqtt] How to start a Committee Note Draft - request template detailed steps

    All --

    I'm sending this to the list as well as directly to Richard and Raphael.

    The purpose of a non-standards track work product (Committee Note) is to clarify, explain, discuss, analyze, and otherwise improve the applicability of TC normative (Standards Track) work products. 

    I recommend that a Chair or Secretary of the TC do the following, but any TC member may - and the Chairs are notified of the request. One request per work product starter.

    I also recommend a separate document archive folder to Committee Notes (of which this is the first). You need to request a new document archive folder called "Committee Notes" using the form at


    TC Admin requests are at the URI in (1).

    (1)    Go to https://www.oasis-open.org/resources/tc-admin-requests and under New Work Products select "register & request a work product template / starter document"

    (2) Enter name of submitter, " OASIS Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) TC" (full name of TC),
    "mqtt@lists.oasis-open.org" , "Request/Reply Message Exchange Patterns and MQTT"

    The Work Product Abbreviation will show up in file names. I recommend to the Chairs that we use "reqreply". Filenames will look something like  "mqtt-reqreply-v1.0-wd01.docx" and so on for other forms.

    For Track select "Non-Standards Track Work Product"

    Select format as used by the TC. The standard is .doc so I'd use "Microsoft Word".

    Then enter Chair Names "As it should appear on an approved Work Product Cover page" - Richard Coppen, Raphael Cohn, with or without middle initials as you like.

    Editors can be changed. I suggested Shawn as initial writer, so he should be listed. Perhaps Raphael would be another?  Up to the chairs. Could call for editors who care enough to write/clarify/contribute significantly.

    No namespaces.

    Then submit the request. The result will appear in the TC document archives after a few days (usually); questions will go from tc-admin to the TC list.


    William Cox  
    +1 862 485 3696 mobile

    Attachment: reqreply-v1 0-wd01.doc Description: reqreply-v1 0-wd01.doc


    reqreply-v1 0-wd01.doc   110 KB 1 version