Hi Paul, In the use case I was considering the PEP had its own OAuth token to enable it to call the PDP, which it puts in the Authorization header, as usual. The, PEP, however, is processing a request from some other subject, and there is more info on that subject in the OAuth token that came in w the Request. So, the PEP is sending its own OAuth token w the request, and putting the user's oauth token in the XACML request, as one big attribute. However, as Mohammad suggested it is better that the PEP extract the attrs from the token rather than expecting the PDP to process it. Technically, it probably could be made to work somehow, but it would be a very custom solution. Thanks, Rich On 11/5/2018 2:12 PM, Paul Patrick wrote: Rich, Is the OAuth token for that of the requestor or does it need to a subject of some kinds? Paul Patrick ïOn 11/5/18, 1:33 PM, "
xacml@lists.oasis-open.org on behalf of Mohammad Jafari" <
xacml@lists.oasis-open.org on behalf of
mohammad.jafari@bookzurman.com> wrote: Although I am not aware of an implementation that supports this, this seems to be a PEP-specific issue. If the PEP can consume an OAuth/OpenID Connect token (which might require doing OAuth Introspection as well) and turn the content into attributes in an XACML request, the rest of the flow should be orthogonal to where these attributes originate from. Regards, Mohammad On 2018-11-05, 10:24 AM, "
xacml@lists.oasis-open.org on behalf of rich levinson" <
xacml@lists.oasis-open.org on behalf of
rich.levinson@oracle.com> wrote: Is there any way an OAuth Access Token or Identity Token can be passed in a XACML Request, and have its contents used in a Policy? (I think the answer is no, but checking just in case) Thanks, Rich --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at:
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