OASIS Emergency Management TC

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Reminder EM-TC Call Today 11:00 EST

  • 1.  Reminder EM-TC Call Today 11:00 EST

    Posted 02-26-2009 14:54
    See details in Kavi.  

  • 2.  Very short Agenda Item Re: [emergency] Reminder EM-TC Call Today11:00 EST

    Posted 02-26-2009 15:43
    Hi Elysa, Everyone,
    I want to add one thing to today's agenda for the good of the order. 
    We don't need to do more than read this email into the meeting notes 
    for the record.
    I want to make mention of the fact that EDXL-HAVE has been deleted 
    from the HITSP Recommendations and that I am working with David 
    Webber to draft a letter to HITSP asking that EDXL-HAVE and several 
    other OASIS Standards be returned to the HITSP list of 
    recommendations and that some standards, like CAP, be added.
    OASIS has a representative on HITSP and the purpose of this letter is 
    to have several TCs review and approve it so that when it is 
    delivered, HITSP understands that there is a body of support with 
    far-reaching connections that stand behind the letter.
    There are several issues that can be logically deduced by their 
    action and one of those is that they apparently believe that they 
    have the perorgative within their charter to exclude any usable, 
    workable interoperability standard, including those adopted by more 
    than one Standards Body such as ISO and ITU.
    Their mandate may need to be changed from recommending to compiling 
    and describing the use of relevant usable standards for specific 
    HITSP use cases, but that's another issue.
    >See details in Kavi. 
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    Rex Brooks
    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    Berkeley, CA 94702
    Tel: 510-898-0670