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  • 1.  A set of proposals to change the schemas - please vote

    Posted 10-06-2015 20:50
    Please vote on ( A ), ( B ), ( C ) and the Refinements C.1, C.2, C.3 individually, by email or skype chat. The procedure is approved by the co-chairs. PROPOSED ( A ): All skippable edges that currently are allowed to occur in leaf form (in the compact serialization) and have a unique child element in the non-empty version of their content model (in the normalized serialization) should be eliminated in the leaf form from the compact serialization (leaf form is already not allowed in the normalized serialization). These include (exact list may be different once the implementation is complete): appliesAlternatives appliesAssociations appliesAssociation appliesAuthority appliesJurisdiction appliesPenalty toPrescriptiveStatement appliesTemporalCharacteristics appliesTemporalCharacteristic fromLegalSources hasComment hasParaphrase atTime hasLegalSources hasLegalSource hasTemplate (in Constitutive, Override, Penalty, Prescriptive, Reparation Statement) hasTemporalCharacteristics hasTemporalCharacteristic PROPOSED ( B ): The normalized serialization be modified to allow "leaf" edges in the same way they occur in the compact serialization, so there is no need to transform these leaf edges when converting between the compact and normalized serializations. For example: <Role> ... <filledBy keyref="#c1"/> </Role> is allowed in the compact serialization. As currently defined, this must be changed to <Role> ... <filledBy> <Actor keyref="#c1"/> </filledBy> </Role> in the normalized serialization. The proposal would mean the original would not need to be changed in the conversion to the normalized serialization. On the other hand, <Role> ... <Agent key="c1" keyref="#c0">...</Agent> </Role> in the compact serialization would still need to be converted to <Role> ... <filledBy> <Agent key="c1" keyref="#c0">...</Agent> </filledBy> </Role> Note: if proposal ( A ) is approved, then proposal ( B ) will apply to (much) fewer edges. This includes (exact list may be different once the implementation is complete) hasActor filledBy hasStrength appliesStrength hasTemplate (in Factual Statement) Tara Athan: PROPOSED ( C ) Add two new elements <LegalReference> and <Source> The usage would be as follows: <LegalReference> and <LegalSource> are used only for the legal documents and fragments thereof, while <Reference> and <Source> are used for everything else. <...Reference> is used for non-IRI identifiers and <...Source> for IRI identifiers. There is a corresponding change required to the Vocabulary. Refinements. (Dependent on Proposal ( C ). 1. restrict xml:base to the root (keep it optional there) 2. restrict values of keyref in lrml elements to the form "#..." 3. restrict values of keyref in ruleml elements to the form ":..." Note that these latter two refinements mean that users *must* use the <...Reference> and <...Source> elements to define local identifiers for external identifiers if they want to refer to them using keyref. It also enforces the use of the default prefix for local CURIEs. Tara

  • 2.  Re: [legalruleml] A set of proposals to change the schemas - please vote

    Posted 10-06-2015 21:17
    I agree on the proposals ( A ), ( B ), ( C ) and Refinements C.1, C.2, C.3. Yours, mp Il 06/10/2015 22:49, Tara Athan ha scritto: Please vote on ( A ), ( B ), ( C ) and the Refinements C.1, C.2, C.3 individually, by email or skype chat. The procedure is approved by the co-chairs. PROPOSED ( A ): All skippable edges that currently are allowed to occur in leaf form (in the compact serialization) and have a unique child element in the non-empty version of their content model (in the normalized serialization) should be eliminated in the leaf form from the compact serialization (leaf form is already not allowed in the normalized serialization). These include (exact list may be different once the implementation is complete): appliesAlternatives appliesAssociations appliesAssociation appliesAuthority appliesJurisdiction appliesPenalty toPrescriptiveStatement appliesTemporalCharacteristics appliesTemporalCharacteristic fromLegalSources hasComment hasParaphrase atTime hasLegalSources hasLegalSource hasTemplate (in Constitutive, Override, Penalty, Prescriptive, Reparation Statement) hasTemporalCharacteristics hasTemporalCharacteristic PROPOSED ( B ): The normalized serialization be modified to allow "leaf" edges in the same way they occur in the compact serialization, so there is no need to transform these leaf edges when converting between the compact and normalized serializations. For example: <Role> ... <filledBy keyref="#c1"/> </Role> is allowed in the compact serialization. As currently defined, this must be changed to <Role> ... <filledBy> <Actor keyref="#c1"/> </filledBy> </Role> in the normalized serialization. The proposal would mean the original would not need to be changed in the conversion to the normalized serialization. On the other hand, <Role> ... <Agent key="c1" keyref="#c0">...</Agent> </Role> in the compact serialization would still need to be converted to <Role> ... <filledBy> <Agent key="c1" keyref="#c0">...</Agent> </filledBy> </Role> Note: if proposal ( A ) is approved, then proposal ( B ) will apply to (much) fewer edges. This includes (exact list may be different once the implementation is complete) hasActor filledBy hasStrength appliesStrength hasTemplate (in Factual Statement) Tara Athan: PROPOSED ( C ) Add two new elements <LegalReference> and <Source> The usage would be as follows: <LegalReference> and <LegalSource> are used only for the legal documents and fragments thereof, while <Reference> and <Source> are used for everything else. <...Reference> is used for non-IRI identifiers and <...Source> for IRI identifiers. There is a corresponding change required to the Vocabulary. Refinements. (Dependent on Proposal ( C ). 1. restrict xml:base to the root (keep it optional there) 2. restrict values of keyref in lrml elements to the form "#..." 3. restrict values of keyref in ruleml elements to the form ":..." Note that these latter two refinements mean that users *must* use the <...Reference> and <...Source> elements to define local identifiers for external identifiers if they want to refer to them using keyref. It also enforces the use of the default prefix for local CURIEs. Tara --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php . -- =================================== Associate professor of Legal Informatics School of Law Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna C.I.R.S.F.I.D. http://www.cirsfid.unibo.it/ Palazzo Dal Monte Gaudenzi - Via Galliera, 3 I - 40121 BOLOGNA (ITALY) Tel +39 051 277217 Fax +39 051 260782 E-mail monica.palmirani@unibo.it ====================================

  • 3.  Re: [legalruleml] A set of proposals to change the schemas - please vote

    Posted 10-06-2015 21:19

    I agree on proposal ( A ), ( B ) and ( C ) and Refinements C.1, C.2 and C.3

    All the best


    On 7 October 2015 at 6:50:05 AM, Tara Athan ( taraathan@gmail.com ) wrote:

    Please vote on ( A ), ( B ), ( C ) and the Refinements C.1, C.2, C.3
    individually, by email or skype chat. The procedure is approved by the

    PROPOSED ( A ): All skippable edges that currently are allowed to occur
    in leaf form (in the compact serialization) and have a unique child
    element in the non-empty version of their content model (in the
    normalized serialization) should be eliminated in the leaf form from the
    compact serialization (leaf form is already not allowed in the
    normalized serialization). These include (exact list may be different
    once the implementation is complete):

    hasTemplate (in Constitutive, Override, Penalty, Prescriptive,
    Reparation Statement)

    PROPOSED ( B ): The normalized serialization be modified to allow "leaf"
    edges in the same way they occur in the compact serialization, so there
    is no need to transform these leaf edges when converting between the
    compact and normalized serializations. For example:

    <filledBy keyref="#c1"/>

    is allowed in the compact serialization. As currently defined, this
    must be changed to

    <Actor keyref="#c1"/>

    in the normalized serialization. The proposal would mean the original
    would not need to be changed in the conversion to the normalized
    serialization. On the other hand,

    <Agent key="c1" keyref="#c0">...</Agent>

    in the compact serialization would still need to be converted to
    <Agent key="c1" keyref="#c0">...</Agent>

    Note: if proposal ( A ) is approved, then proposal ( B ) will apply to
    (much) fewer edges. This includes (exact list may be different once the
    implementation is complete)

    hasTemplate (in Factual Statement)

    Tara Athan: PROPOSED ( C )
    Add two new elements <LegalReference> and <Source>

    The usage would be as follows:
    <LegalReference> and <LegalSource> are used only for the legal documents
    and fragments thereof, while <Reference> and <Source> are used for
    everything else.

    <...Reference> is used for non-IRI identifiers and <...Source> for IRI

    There is a corresponding change required to the Vocabulary.

    Refinements. (Dependent on Proposal ( C ).
    1. restrict xml:base to the root (keep it optional there)
    2. restrict values of keyref in lrml elements to the form "#..."
    3. restrict values of keyref in ruleml elements to the form ":..."

    Note that these latter two refinements mean that users *must* use the
    <...Reference> and <...Source> elements to define local identifiers for
    external identifiers if they want to refer to them using keyref. It also
    enforces the use of the default prefix for local CURIEs.


    To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that
    generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at:

    The information in this e-mail may be confidential and subject to legal professional privilege and/or copyright. National ICT Australia Limited accepts no liability for any damage caused by this email or its attachments.

  • 4.  Re: [legalruleml] A set of proposals to change the schemas - please vote

    Posted 10-07-2015 10:33
    I agree on proposals ( A ), ( B ) and ( C ) and Refinements C.1, C.2 and C.3 Cheers, Adam On 7 October 2015 at 6:50:05 AM, Tara Athan ( taraathan@gmail.com ) wrote: Please vote on ( A ), ( B ), ( C ) and the Refinements C.1, C.2, C.3  individually, by email or skype chat. The procedure is approved by the  co-chairs.  PROPOSED ( A ): All skippable edges that currently are allowed to occur  in leaf form (in the compact serialization) and have a unique child  element in the non-empty version of their content model (in the  normalized serialization) should be eliminated in the leaf form from the  compact serialization (leaf form is already not allowed in the  normalized serialization). These include (exact list may be different  once the implementation is complete):  appliesAlternatives  appliesAssociations  appliesAssociation  appliesAuthority  appliesJurisdiction  appliesPenalty  toPrescriptiveStatement  appliesTemporalCharacteristics  appliesTemporalCharacteristic  fromLegalSources  hasComment  hasParaphrase  atTime  hasLegalSources  hasLegalSource  hasTemplate (in Constitutive, Override, Penalty, Prescriptive,  Reparation Statement)  hasTemporalCharacteristics  hasTemporalCharacteristic  PROPOSED ( B ): The normalized serialization be modified to allow "leaf"  edges in the same way they occur in the compact serialization, so there  is no need to transform these leaf edges when converting between the  compact and normalized serializations. For example:  <Role>  ...  <filledBy keyref="#c1"/>  </Role>  is allowed in the compact serialization. As currently defined, this  must be changed to  <Role>  ...  <filledBy>  <Actor keyref="#c1"/>  </filledBy>  </Role>  in the normalized serialization. The proposal would mean the original  would not need to be changed in the conversion to the normalized  serialization. On the other hand,  <Role>  ...  <Agent key="c1" keyref="#c0">...</Agent>  </Role>  in the compact serialization would still need to be converted to  <Role>  ...  <filledBy>  <Agent key="c1" keyref="#c0">...</Agent>  </filledBy>  </Role>  Note: if proposal ( A ) is approved, then proposal ( B ) will apply to  (much) fewer edges. This includes (exact list may be different once the  implementation is complete)  hasActor  filledBy  hasStrength  appliesStrength  hasTemplate (in Factual Statement)  Tara Athan: PROPOSED ( C )  Add two new elements <LegalReference> and <Source>  The usage would be as follows:  <LegalReference> and <LegalSource> are used only for the legal documents  and fragments thereof, while <Reference> and <Source> are used for  everything else.  <...Reference> is used for non-IRI identifiers and <...Source> for IRI  identifiers.  There is a corresponding change required to the Vocabulary.  Refinements. (Dependent on Proposal ( C ).  1. restrict xml:base to the root (keep it optional there)  2. restrict values of keyref in lrml elements to the form "#..."  3. restrict values of keyref in ruleml elements to the form ":..."  Note that these latter two refinements mean that users *must* use the  <...Reference> and <...Source> elements to define local identifiers for  external identifiers if they want to refer to them using keyref. It also  enforces the use of the default prefix for local CURIEs.  Tara  ---------------------------------------------------------------------  To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that  generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at:  https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php   The information in this e-mail may be confidential and subject to legal professional privilege and/or copyright. National ICT Australia Limited accepts no liability for any damage caused by this email or its attachments. The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No SC013683. Tha Oilthigh Obar Dheathain na charthannas clàraichte ann an Alba, Àir. SC013683.

  • 5.  RE: [legalruleml] A set of proposals to change the schemas - please vote

    Posted 10-07-2015 20:06
    I agree on proposals ( A ), ( B ) and ( C ) and Refinements C.1, C.2 and C.3   Cheers, Adrian   On 7 October 2015 at 6:50:05 AM, Tara Athan ( taraathan@gmail.com ) wrote: Please vote on ( A ), ( B ), ( C ) and the Refinements C.1, C.2, C.3  individually, by email or skype chat. The procedure is approved by the  co-chairs.  PROPOSED ( A ): All skippable edges that currently are allowed to occur  in leaf form (in the compact serialization) and have a unique child  element in the non-empty version of their content model (in the  normalized serialization) should be eliminated in the leaf form from the  compact serialization (leaf form is already not allowed in the  normalized serialization). These include (exact list may be different  once the implementation is complete):  appliesAlternatives  appliesAssociations  appliesAssociation  appliesAuthority  appliesJurisdiction  appliesPenalty  toPrescriptiveStatement  appliesTemporalCharacteristics  appliesTemporalCharacteristic  fromLegalSources  hasComment  hasParaphrase  atTime  hasLegalSources  hasLegalSource  hasTemplate (in Constitutive, Override, Penalty, Prescriptive,  Reparation Statement)  hasTemporalCharacteristics  hasTemporalCharacteristic  PROPOSED ( B ): The normalized serialization be modified to allow "leaf"  edges in the same way they occur in the compact serialization, so there  is no need to transform these leaf edges when converting between the  compact and normalized serializations. For example:  <Role>  ...  <filledBy keyref="#c1"/>  </Role>  is allowed in the compact serialization. As currently defined, this  must be changed to  <Role>  ...  <filledBy>  <Actor keyref="#c1"/>  </filledBy>  </Role>  in the normalized serialization. The proposal would mean the original  would not need to be changed in the conversion to the normalized  serialization. On the other hand,  <Role>  ...  <Agent key="c1" keyref="#c0">...</Agent>  </Role>  in the compact serialization would still need to be converted to  <Role>  ...  <filledBy>  <Agent key="c1" keyref="#c0">...</Agent>  </filledBy>  </Role>  Note: if proposal ( A ) is approved, then proposal ( B ) will apply to  (much) fewer edges. This includes (exact list may be different once the  implementation is complete)  hasActor  filledBy  hasStrength  appliesStrength  hasTemplate (in Factual Statement)  Tara Athan: PROPOSED ( C )  Add two new elements <LegalReference> and <Source>  The usage would be as follows:  <LegalReference> and <LegalSource> are used only for the legal documents  and fragments thereof, while <Reference> and <Source> are used for  everything else.  <...Reference> is used for non-IRI identifiers and <...Source> for IRI  identifiers.  There is a corresponding change required to the Vocabulary.  Refinements. (Dependent on Proposal ( C ).  1. restrict xml:base to the root (keep it optional there)  2. restrict values of keyref in lrml elements to the form "#..."  3. restrict values of keyref in ruleml elements to the form ":..."  Note that these latter two refinements mean that users *must* use the  <...Reference> and <...Source> elements to define local identifiers for  external identifiers if they want to refer to them using keyref. It also  enforces the use of the default prefix for local CURIEs.  Tara  ---------------------------------------------------------------------  To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that  generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at:  https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php     The information in this e-mail may be confidential and subject to legal professional privilege and/or copyright. National ICT Australia Limited accepts no liability for any damage caused by this email or its attachments. The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No SC013683. Tha Oilthigh Obar Dheathain na charthannas clàraichte ann an Alba, Àir. SC013683.

  • 6.  Re: [legalruleml] A set of proposals to change the schemas - please vote

    Posted 10-08-2015 12:27
    The proposals submitted by Tara called ( A ), ( B ) and ( C ) and connected Refinements C.1, C.2 and C.3 are approved by the LegalRuleML TC. For this reason Tara is authorized by the LegalRuleML TC to integrate these modifications in the schemas. Yours, Monica Il 07/10/2015 22:05, Adrian Paschke ha scritto: I agree on proposals ( A ), ( B ) and ( C ) and Refinements C.1, C.2 and C.3   Cheers, Adrian   On 7 October 2015 at 6:50:05 AM, Tara Athan ( taraathan@gmail.com ) wrote: Please vote on ( A ), ( B ), ( C ) and the Refinements C.1, C.2, C.3  individually, by email or skype chat. The procedure is approved by the  co-chairs.  PROPOSED ( A ): All skippable edges that currently are allowed to occur  in leaf form (in the compact serialization) and have a unique child  element in the non-empty version of their content model (in the  normalized serialization) should be eliminated in the leaf form from the  compact serialization (leaf form is already not allowed in the  normalized serialization). These include (exact list may be different  once the implementation is complete):  appliesAlternatives  appliesAssociations  appliesAssociation  appliesAuthority  appliesJurisdiction  appliesPenalty  toPrescriptiveStatement  appliesTemporalCharacteristics  appliesTemporalCharacteristic  fromLegalSources  hasComment  hasParaphrase  atTime  hasLegalSources  hasLegalSource  hasTemplate (in Constitutive, Override, Penalty, Prescriptive,  Reparation Statement)  hasTemporalCharacteristics  hasTemporalCharacteristic  PROPOSED ( B ): The normalized serialization be modified to allow leaf   edges in the same way they occur in the compact serialization, so there  is no need to transform these leaf edges when converting between the  compact and normalized serializations. For example:  <Role>  ...  <filledBy keyref= #c1 />  </Role>  is allowed in the compact serialization. As currently defined, this  must be changed to  <Role>  ...  <filledBy>  <Actor keyref= #c1 />  </filledBy>  </Role>  in the normalized serialization. The proposal would mean the original  would not need to be changed in the conversion to the normalized  serialization. On the other hand,  <Role>  ...  <Agent key= c1 keyref= #c0 >...</Agent>  </Role>  in the compact serialization would still need to be converted to  <Role>  ...  <filledBy>  <Agent key= c1 keyref= #c0 >...</Agent>  </filledBy>  </Role>  Note: if proposal ( A ) is approved, then proposal ( B ) will apply to  (much) fewer edges. This includes (exact list may be different once the  implementation is complete)  hasActor  filledBy  hasStrength  appliesStrength  hasTemplate (in Factual Statement)  Tara Athan: PROPOSED ( C )  Add two new elements <LegalReference> and <Source>  The usage would be as follows:  <LegalReference> and <LegalSource> are used only for the legal documents  and fragments thereof, while <Reference> and <Source> are used for  everything else.  <...Reference> is used for non-IRI identifiers and <...Source> for IRI  identifiers.  There is a corresponding change required to the Vocabulary.  Refinements. (Dependent on Proposal ( C ).  1. restrict xml:base to the root (keep it optional there)  2. restrict values of keyref in lrml elements to the form #...   3. restrict values of keyref in ruleml elements to the form :...   Note that these latter two refinements mean that users *must* use the  <...Reference> and <...Source> elements to define local identifiers for  external identifiers if they want to refer to them using keyref. It also  enforces the use of the default prefix for local CURIEs.  Tara  ---------------------------------------------------------------------  To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that  generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at:  https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php     The information in this e-mail may be confidential and subject to legal professional privilege and/or copyright. National ICT Australia Limited accepts no liability for any damage caused by this email or its attachments. The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No SC013683. Tha Oilthigh Obar Dheathain na charthannas clàraichte ann an Alba, Àir. SC013683. -- =================================== Associate professor of Legal Informatics School of Law Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna C.I.R.S.F.I.D. http://www.cirsfid.unibo.it/ Palazzo Dal Monte Gaudenzi - Via Galliera, 3 I - 40121 BOLOGNA (ITALY) Tel +39 051 277217 Fax +39 051 260782 E-mail monica.palmirani@unibo.it ====================================

  • 7.  Re: A set of proposals to change the schemas - please vote

    Posted 10-08-2015 12:09
    +1 for ( A ), ( B ), ( C ) and the Refinements C.1, C.2, C.3 Tara On 10/6/15 4:49 PM, Tara Athan wrote: Please vote on ( A ), ( B ), ( C ) and the Refinements C.1, C.2, C.3 individually, by email or skype chat. The procedure is approved by the co-chairs. PROPOSED ( A ): All skippable edges that currently are allowed to occur in leaf form (in the compact serialization) and have a unique child element in the non-empty version of their content model (in the normalized serialization) should be eliminated in the leaf form from the compact serialization (leaf form is already not allowed in the normalized serialization). These include (exact list may be different once the implementation is complete): appliesAlternatives appliesAssociations appliesAssociation appliesAuthority appliesJurisdiction appliesPenalty toPrescriptiveStatement appliesTemporalCharacteristics appliesTemporalCharacteristic fromLegalSources hasComment hasParaphrase atTime hasLegalSources hasLegalSource hasTemplate (in Constitutive, Override, Penalty, Prescriptive, Reparation Statement) hasTemporalCharacteristics hasTemporalCharacteristic PROPOSED ( B ): The normalized serialization be modified to allow "leaf" edges in the same way they occur in the compact serialization, so there is no need to transform these leaf edges when converting between the compact and normalized serializations. For example: <Role> ... <filledBy keyref="#c1"/> </Role> is allowed in the compact serialization. As currently defined, this must be changed to <Role> ... <filledBy> <Actor keyref="#c1"/> </filledBy> </Role> in the normalized serialization. The proposal would mean the original would not need to be changed in the conversion to the normalized serialization. On the other hand, <Role> ... <Agent key="c1" keyref="#c0">...</Agent> </Role> in the compact serialization would still need to be converted to <Role> ... <filledBy> <Agent key="c1" keyref="#c0">...</Agent> </filledBy> </Role> Note: if proposal ( A ) is approved, then proposal ( B ) will apply to (much) fewer edges. This includes (exact list may be different once the implementation is complete) hasActor filledBy hasStrength appliesStrength hasTemplate (in Factual Statement) Tara Athan: PROPOSED ( C ) Add two new elements <LegalReference> and <Source> The usage would be as follows: <LegalReference> and <LegalSource> are used only for the legal documents and fragments thereof, while <Reference> and <Source> are used for everything else. <...Reference> is used for non-IRI identifiers and <...Source> for IRI identifiers. There is a corresponding change required to the Vocabulary. Refinements. (Dependent on Proposal ( C ). 1. restrict xml:base to the root (keep it optional there) 2. restrict values of keyref in lrml elements to the form "#..." 3. restrict values of keyref in ruleml elements to the form ":..." Note that these latter two refinements mean that users *must* use the <...Reference> and <...Source> elements to define local identifiers for external identifiers if they want to refer to them using keyref. It also enforces the use of the default prefix for local CURIEs. Tara