OASIS Emergency Management TC

TC Meeting - Sept 13 12:00 EDT

  • 1.  TC Meeting - Sept 13 12:00 EDT

    Posted 09-13-2005 09:29
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    emergency message

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    Subject: TC Meeting - Sept 13 12:00 EDT

    Dear TC Members,
    As discussed on our last call, we will use the time during the 
    Msg/Notification SC meeting to discuss the resource management message 
    requirements that were recently handed off to the TC via the EIC and 
    DHS/DM.  Tim and Lee will give an overview and we will discuss the best 
    method for the TC to address the new work product that was accepted last 
    meeting.  Please try to review the postings prior to the call if possible.
    Elysa Jones, Chair
    Engineering Program Manager
    Warning Systems, Inc.
    256-880-8702 x102
    256-694-8702 cell

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