I don't think anyone wants to hide or obfuscate
the 1.X documentation.... just suggesting to make 2.0 the primary site
and 1.X the secondary, whereas today, it is vice-versa. The problem is, if you go to google
and type in "STIX", stixproject.github.io
is the #1 hit. Meanwhile the OASIS
site is not even in the first 5 pages, which basically means it might as
well not exist to much of the internet. Solving the page-rank problem might
take a long time, meanwhile, a redirect is totally in our control... - Jason Keirstead STSM, Product Architect, Security Intelligence, IBM Security Systems
www.ibm.com/security "Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those
who hustle." - Unknown From:
"Back, Greg"
gback@mitre.org> To:
Bret Jordan <
Jason Keirstead <
Jason.Keirstead@ca.ibm.com>, "duncan@sfractal.com"
duncan@sfractal.com> Cc:
cti-stix@lists.oasis-open.org> Date:
01/22/2018 03:42 PM Subject:
[cti-stix] Re:
[EXT] Re: [cti-stix] Re: Update links Sent by:
cti-stix@lists.oasis-open.org> I don't think we should assume that just
because STIX 2.0 exists that no one needs STIX 1.x documentation. I certainly
agree that we want people who end up at stixproject.github.io to know that
STIX 2.0 exists, and I think it does that well enough (the red banner is
on every page of the site). There may also be lawyerly reasons why we can't
just migrate the current content on stixproject.github.io to the cti-documentation
site. In summary, I'm not seeing a compelling
reason to change anything on stixproject.github.io. Duncan made a PR to
cti-documentation, which I accepted. Thanks, Greg On 2018-01-21, 19:48, "Bret Jordan"
Bret_Jordan@symantec.com >
wrote: Yes, I agree. The base project of STIXProject.github.io
should be for the new STIX and TAXII 2.x content. The old STIX and
TAXII 1.x should be "archived" away. Bret From: Jason Keirstead <
Jason.Keirstead@ca.ibm.com> Sent: Friday, January 19, 2018 3:37:07 PM To:
duncan@sfractal.com Cc: Bret Jordan; Back, Greg;
cti-stix@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: [EXT] Re: [cti-stix] Re: Update links One thing we should consider IMO
is making the root URL of stixproject.github.io simply do a full redirect, and move the current index to a /stix1 URL or
something. Sent from IBM Verse
duncan@sfractal.com --- [cti-stix]
Re: Update links --- From:
duncan@sfractal.com To: "Bret
Jordan" <
Bret_Jordan@symantec.com>, "Back, Greg" <
cti-stix@lists.oasis-open.org Date: Fri,
Jan 19, 2018 12:42 PM Subject: [cti-stix]
Re: Update links Bret, It does; thank you. Your first link
is where I eventually found it. I say eventually because I didn't have
your email yet, but after google search failed, I did try searching for
STIX on OASIS site which surprisingly also failed (throws an error, I have
informed OASIS) so I went to CTI TC site and got to your first link. Your second link is the one I was complaining
about needing to be updated. Greg's reply showed me how I could fix
it myself which hopefully I'll get around to doing that. I didn't have the latter two links you
provided, so I appreciate getting those. Thanks again. Duncan Sparrell sFractal Consulting LLC iPhone, iTypo, iApologize
Original Message -------- Subject: Re: [EXT] Re: [cti-stix] Update links From: Bret Jordan < Bret_Jordan@symantec.com > Date: Fri, January 19, 2018 10:31 am To: "Back, Greg" < gback@mitre.org >,
Duncan < duncan@sfractal.com >, " cti-stix@lists.oasis-open.org "
< cti-stix@lists.oasis-open.org > Duncan, I believe you can find this content you
are looking for via the OASIS site, url below, in section "Technical
Work Produced by the Committee" https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/cti/ We also have this site: https://oasis-open.github.io/cti-documentation/ John Wunder did this site: https://johnwunder.github.io/stix2-docs/?json#introduction And here is a TC list of all of the documents
that are approved or being worked on by the TC: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yvqWaPPnPW-2NiVCLqzRszcx91ffMowfT5MmE9Nsy_w/edit#heading=h.8bbhgdisbmt Please let me know if this helps. Bret From: cti-stix@lists.oasis-open.org < cti-stix@lists.oasis-open.org >
on behalf of Back, Greg < gback@mitre.org > Sent: Friday, January 19, 2018 8:12:37 AM To: Duncan; cti-stix@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: [EXT] Re: [cti-stix] Update links Yes, Duncan, you're absolutely right.
I noticed this a couple months ago and created https://clicktime.symantec.com/a/1/Lb52_OlbMkRuWQXcTdX95IDscajQ6wFTfvGCTl6Ep7s=?d=81r6jUm3z4KlQkgBPmDAOGKjxS5hLbmG839uwZ96AbInzC0d72svKcJY7qKdwOf5GlM8RacryX8T860ejrYDrLU6P0-lMA73wqISDqDQ5H0fby7PYlp-rJVETKLwJfsuVlIBl6sMWsLW6YdbQQ61fW60XYWJ0SWB76t3HbFq6UMHY9MH_V8Fg10p5fFFc9Mqd_6GYKBZj7x9g_6b13kPRXdBTEF2rWgcJ1EyHzqEcRbJCRFWxuJqq6LRmV_HlZCJetJG0pAN0P6C3KtYSGszuRA0GPZEmBsAqF5e_JP1GY06nXex04lvlG_pDBrjRNg6GA3tjImq8am1NPUyJ-BwCrl5uqxqwt6MGSD3tfcSCPAQAWSAnTv3LmvoMGDKGXNesKKdI7ZtX1udhOODsb4IH5xEvnIlop3_Pf2e5qP_jA%3D%3D&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Foasis-open%2Fcti-documentation%2Fissues%2F47 .
We haven't had a chance to fix it, but if you're interested, I'd gladly
merge a Pull Request that makes that change. In terms of OASIS and SEO, I'd want
to get more information/advice from OASIS staff, but I'm happy to help
implement anything on the documentation site based on their suggestions. Thanks, Greg On 2018-01-19, 08:18, " cti-stix@lists.oasis-open.org on behalf of Duncan" < cti-stix@lists.oasis-open.org on behalf of duncan@sfractal.com >
wrote: Apologies if this is already on a to-do
list or if it opens a can of worms already argued and resolved. I went to go look something up in STIX
on a device I don’t normally use so had to find it ‘from scratch’. I google searched and all the top items
were ads from STIX vendors, which may be a good thing but from OASIS viewpoint
you may want to consider doing something to get moved up the list when
people actually want to find the standard. I clicked on the highest non-vendor
link and ended up on the ‘old’ site from which I clicked on the reference
to STIX 2.0 and got to https://clicktime.symantec.com/a/1/f2ekh5aJbKNwXIYgLz4PDhrk2T8yTxf6pCmD-2x2W4w=?d=81r6jUm3z4KlQkgBPmDAOGKjxS5hLbmG839uwZ96AbInzC0d72svKcJY7qKdwOf5GlM8RacryX8T860ejrYDrLU6P0-lMA73wqISDqDQ5H0fby7PYlp-rJVETKLwJfsuVlIBl6sMWsLW6YdbQQ61fW60XYWJ0SWB76t3HbFq6UMHY9MH_V8Fg10p5fFFc9Mqd_6GYKBZj7x9g_6b13kPRXdBTEF2rWgcJ1EyHzqEcRbJCRFWxuJqq6LRmV_HlZCJetJG0pAN0P6C3KtYSGszuRA0GPZEmBsAqF5e_JP1GY06nXex04lvlG_pDBrjRNg6GA3tjImq8am1NPUyJ-BwCrl5uqxqwt6MGSD3tfcSCPAQAWSAnTv3LmvoMGDKGXNesKKdI7ZtX1udhOODsb4IH5xEvnIlop3_Pf2e5qP_jA%3D%3D&u=https%3A%2F%2Foasis-open.github.io%2Fcti-documentation%2F which is under the control of this mailing
list. From there I clicked to https://clicktime.symantec.com/a/1/w4rMfGTwVq_zirZR4moG-NPlU8cs6PpGLmGv0K2p7-k=?d=81r6jUm3z4KlQkgBPmDAOGKjxS5hLbmG839uwZ96AbInzC0d72svKcJY7qKdwOf5GlM8RacryX8T860ejrYDrLU6P0-lMA73wqISDqDQ5H0fby7PYlp-rJVETKLwJfsuVlIBl6sMWsLW6YdbQQ61fW60XYWJ0SWB76t3HbFq6UMHY9MH_V8Fg10p5fFFc9Mqd_6GYKBZj7x9g_6b13kPRXdBTEF2rWgcJ1EyHzqEcRbJCRFWxuJqq6LRmV_HlZCJetJG0pAN0P6C3KtYSGszuRA0GPZEmBsAqF5e_JP1GY06nXex04lvlG_pDBrjRNg6GA3tjImq8am1NPUyJ-BwCrl5uqxqwt6MGSD3tfcSCPAQAWSAnTv3LmvoMGDKGXNesKKdI7ZtX1udhOODsb4IH5xEvnIlop3_Pf2e5qP_jA%3D%3D&u=https%3A%2F%2Foasis-open.github.io%2Fcti-documentation%2Fresources%23stix-20-specification which purports to be the STIX
2.0 Specification but brings me to a google doc which is a working doc. Shouldn’t it bring me to the now approved
Spec instead of a working doc? iPhone, iTypo, iApologize Duncan Sparrell sFractal Consulting, LLC The closer you look, the more you see --------------------------------------------------------------------- To
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