UBL Naming and Design Rules SC

  • 1.  Re: [ubl-ndrsc] Rule: 91

    Posted 07-18-2003 16:32
    Chin Chee-Kai wrote:
    > If your "top-level" means "immediate child of <xsd:schema>",
    > then "top level" is "global".   But what I'm saying is
    > "naming" != "global".
    I checked the XSD spec part 1 (http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/), and 
    "global" is a concept that seems to be associated only with element and 
    attribute declarations, and only in the sense that their namespace scope 
    is global.  It doesn't refer to the positioning of a declaration or 
    definition within the <xsd:schema> element.  So maybe it's best avoided 
    here, since it's not very precise.
    On the other hand, the XSD schema itself 
    (http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema.xsd) does have a notion of 
    topLevelComplexType versus localComplexType; these are restrictions of 
    the complexType type and govern the definition of named vs. 
    anonymous/locally scoped complex types.  There are also 
    topLevelSimpleType and localSimpleType.  It looks as though the 
    <redefine> element can contain the version of <complexType> that is 
    bound to topLevelComplexType.
    So at the very least, maybe we should substitute "top-level" for 
    "global" if we determine that this rule should have that additional bit 
    of explanation on the end.
    > Wait, I'm not saying anything about using or prohibiting
    > <xsd:redefinition>,  all I'm quoting is that a named  complexType
    > can be a non-immediate child of <xsd:schema>, thus giving a
    > counter-example to the assertion that "naming" == "global".
    > The original rule wordings were:
    > [R 91]   All type declarations MUST be global.
    > which says what it wants to say already.
    > A rule about redefinition, if there's an intention to do so,
    > would rightly be in a separate rule as you suggested.
    (I know that redefinition was discussed at one time, but don't recall 
    the conclusion.  We should make sure that any decision on them is recorded.)
    Eve Maler                                        +1 781 442 3190
    Sun Microsystems                            cell +1 781 354 9441
    Web Technologies and Standards               eve.maler @ sun.com