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Subject: FW: UBL Fiscal Accreditation
Title: FW: UBL Fiscal Accreditation
An action point on me from the Manhattan TC was to investigate the opportunity for fiscal ‘accreditation’ of UBL 2.0 by the UK authorities.
Below is the reply from Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC) which, briefly, states that no formal accreditation process exists but that HMRC can make ‘statements’ to the effect that the relevant documents comply with fiscal requirements.
In developing the UK’s Standard Procurement Process Model, we (OGC) have worked very closely with HMRC to ensure that their requirements are met. I have tried to ensure that the outcome of this work has been adopted in UBL 2.0 so that it reflects UK requirements and, albeit less specifically, those of other EU members i.e. the EU eInvoicing Directive. Indeed in UBL 2.0 we have added several new tax documents over and above the Invoice; namely Credit Note, Debit Note, Self-Billed Invoice and Self-Billed Credit Note.
I believe that, certainly in Europe, one of the keys to the promulgation of UBL 2.0 will be it’s fitness for purpose from a tax perspective. So I propose that as we move through public review towards UBL 2.0 release, we actively engage our respective tax authorities in order to achieve this.
Regards, Mark
Mark Leitch
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From: "Chambers, David {LBG Audit Service}" <>
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 18:15:56 -0000
To: Mark Leitch <>
Subject: RE: UBL Fiscal Accreditation
Thank you for your e-mail.
I hope you are well and had a good meeting in New York.
I appreciate the requirement for UBL 2.0 to be "marketed", but I am afraid that I cannot give an HMRC "approval" to assist in the marketing. Although HMRC can certainly state that a set of messages which comprise tax documents meet our requirements, we cannot provide any "certification".
The nearest HMRC gets to certification is the Publicly Available Specification (PAS) 76 which we have developed in conjunction with the British Standards Institution. The PAS has recently been published and will be formally launched later this year. It spells out the requirements for VAT compliant accounting software in the UK and will form the basis of an independent certification to a British Standards "Kitemark". Even in this case, although the requirements have been developed by HMRC, it will be another organisation that undertakes the certification.
I hope you saw Dave Watt's e-mail regarding Sylvie Colas.
I understand also that the UBL "SME subset" has also been published recently. I have not yet had the opportunity to review it, I am afraid. Are VAT requirements handled differently in the SME subset to other versions of UBL, please?
Kind Regards,
Dave Chambers
H M Revenue & Customs
Eldon Court
75 London Road
T. 0118 908 4442
GTN: 8207 4442
Mobile: 07900 137369
Fax 0118 908 4209
From: Mark Leitch []
Sent: 04 February 2006 12:11
To: Chambers, David {LBG Audit Service}
Subject: UBL Fiscal Accreditation
I was at the UBL TC Meeting in New York Last week.
One of the subjects I raised was the apparent lack of ‘marketing’ for UBL 2.0.
I suggested that a good selling point might be that UBL is accredited or acknowledged as meeting UK/European (in this particular case, Danish) fiscal requirements.
Is this something the HMRC would consider in a form that could be used by UBL e.g. a stamp, approval or accreditation ?
Mark Leitch
Director - Tritorr Ltd
Tel.: +44 1932 821112
Cell.: +44 7881 822999
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