OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

  • 1.  Today's minutes

    Posted 10-25-2016 17:00
    Title: Today's minutes I submitted today's meeting minutes via the usual method. Here's an excerpt of today's action items, one of which is now completed: Summary of new action items: ACTION: Tom to upload meeting minutes quickly as a record of this vote ACTION: Kris to request that the errata document be published by OASIS ACTION: Kris to request new Github repository ACTION: Kris to add her section about TC work (DITA vs. DITA OT committee note) ACTION: Robert to schedule a call with small group (DITA vs. DITA OT committee note) ACTION: Deb to work on FAQ for people new to DITA TC. (Kris will supply with info from recent discussion.) mag