I would really benefit from attending that.
Just my $0.02.
Don McGarry
Senior Sensors Systems Engineer
The MITRE Corp.
26 Electronic Parkway
AFRL/IFB Bldg. 106
Rome, NY 13441
Office: 315-838-2669
Cell: 315-383-1197
From: David RR Webber (XML) [david@drrw.info]
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 10:44 AM
To: Gary Ham
Cc: emergency@lists.oasis-open.org; 'Timothy Grapes'; 'Lee Tincher'
Subject: [emergency] Would a webinar make sense for everyone on NIEM, EDXL and CAM?
It suddenly hit me - I'm doing a presentation today internally here on developing IEPDs and the CAM toolkit - and I'm also scheduled to present this at the NIEM expo' in Baltimore in September.
What I think makes sense is for me to use the free Adobe webinar service that OASIS has to show this same slide deck - but morphed to EDXL HAVE.
I think we'll all be on the same page then - and I can show you all the details much more easily than trying to explain it in email! One hour probably equals 1000 emails!
If we schedule this for a couple of weeks time - depending on peoples availability...?
Thanks, DW
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