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Subject: EMIF MEETING MINUTES 10.29.03
Just forwarding to the IF SC list.
-----Forwarded Message-----
> To:
> Subject: [emergency] EMIF MEETING MINUTES 10.29.03
> Date: 31 Oct 2003 10:17:35 -0800
> The committee convened at its appointed time.
> Items discussed included:
> 1. Committee recommendations regarding inclusion of <type> elements in all EM-TC specifications going forward.
> 2. Committee recommendations regarding the inclusion of facilities for multiple transport mechanisms in all EM-TC specifications going forward.
> 3. Near-term inclusion of specification language accommodating "broadcast" delivery of CAP 1.0.
> 4. Use of the phrase "Transport mechanism" as an accurate descriptor.
> Action items:
> 1. The committee will deliver a written recommendation to the EM-TC regarding processes associated with items 1, 2 and 3 by COB 10.31.03.
> 2. The committee recommends that "Transport mechanisms" be discarded in favor of "Patterns and Capacities," as it feels the new phrase more accurately describes the goal set.
> Next meeting: Wed 11.5.03 at 9 PST/11CST/12 EST on 800.453.7412 #604776
> For the Committee
> R.A. Carlton
> Chairman
R. Allen Wyke
Chair, OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee
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