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Subject: RE: [emergency] EDXL DE - XML Schema Issue
Re: schema validation
It is now a requirement in the OASIS TC Process Policy that all schemas/xml instances be valid. I typically rely on the TC to
confirm this and do no further testing. The final documents must be published by tomorrow in order for the TC members to have
sufficient time to review them before casting their final votes.
I would like to recommend to the TC that you strongly reconsider this submission - the comments I have seen give the impression that
we are trying to follow someone else's timeline, and not conduct the due diligence necessary to provide a quality specification. The
goal should not be to "get something out there" that can be retrofitted later, as in the case of CAP, but instead to provide a
quality specification that can be built upon.
Mary P McRae
Manager of TC Administration
phone: 603.232.9090
cell: 603.557.7985