UBL Naming and Design Rules SC

[ubl-ndrsc] Namespace Transitivity

  • 1.  [ubl-ndrsc] Namespace Transitivity

    Posted 02-26-2003 12:29
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    ubl-ndrsc message

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    Subject: [ubl-ndrsc] Namespace Transitivity

    From the XML Schema spec (Structures):
    "Schema Representation Constraint: QName resolution (Schema Document) 
    For a *QName* to resolve to a schema component of a specified kind all
    of the following must be true:
    1 That component is a member of the value of the appropriate property of
    the schema which corresponds to the schema document within which the
    *QName* appears, that is the appropriate case among the following must
    be true:
    1.1 If the kind specified is simple or complex type definition, then the
    property is the {type definitions}.
    1.2 If the kind specified is attribute declaration, then the property is
    the {attribute declarations}.
    1.3 If the kind specified is element declaration, then the property is
    the {element declarations}.
    1.4 If the kind specified is attribute group, then the property is the
    {attribute group definitions}.
    1.5 If the kind specified is model group, then the property is the
    {model group definitions}.
    1.6 If the kind specified is notation declaration, then the property is
    the {notation declarations}.
    2 its {local name} matches the *local name* of the *QName*; 
    3 its {target namespace} is identical to the *namespace name* of the
    4 its *namespace name* is either the target namespace of the schema
    document containing the *QName* or that schema document contains an
    <import> element information item the *actual value* of whose namespace
    [attribute] is identical to that *namespace name*."
    As described in point 4, for a namespace to be referenced it MUST be
    imported explicitly (or be the target namespace of the schema in
    question). If a namespace is imported by an imported schema it is not
    accessible (i.e. namespace imports are not transitive).

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