OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

  • 1.  Re: [office] Conformance,Specification Quality and OASIS Recommendations

    Posted 03-02-2009 16:26
    Hi Rob,
    first of all, I agree to most of your items below.
    Some comments are inline.
    On 03/01/09 19:12, robert_weir@us.ibm.com wrote:
    > Here is my contribution for discussion under the conformance clauses 
    > follow-up topic on Monday.
    > OASIS Technical Committee Process says the following with respect to 
    > conformance:
    > "A specification that is approved by the TC at the Public Review Draft, 
    > Committee Specification or OASIS Standard level must include a separate 
    > section, listing a set of numbered conformance clauses, to which any 
    > implementation of the specification must adhere in order to claim 
    > conformance to the specification (or any optional portion thereof)."
    > There is additional guidance provided in the OASIS Guidelines Writing 
    > Conformance Clauses (
    > http://docs.oasis-open.org/templates/TCHandbook/ConformanceGuidelines.html
    > )
    > I've gone through these guidelines and compared them to what we currently 
    > have written in CD 01. 
    > I have the following observations on how we can tighten up the good start 
    > that we have:
    > 1)  CD 01 Section 1.2 says, "Within this specification, the key words "
    > shall", "shall not", "should", "should not" and "may" are
    > to be interpreted as described in Annex H of [ISO/IEC Directives] if they 
    > appear in bold letters."  I think the " bold letters" restriction is a 
    > carry over from our earlier IETF usage.  This is not typical in ISO 
    > standards.  If we have this clause, as written, it will immediately lead 
    > the reviewer to ask, "What does 'shall' or 'should not' mean when not in 
    > bold letters'?"  I think we would be much better off if we removed this 
    > quirky convention.  All uses of shall/should/may etc. would then be 
    > expressing provisions, when used in normative clauses.  Of course, if 
    > there are any uses of these terms where we do not wish to state a 
    > provision then we should chose an alternative phrasing.
    I personally do like the approach of having marked the use of "may" and
    "should" and so on if they are used as a keyword, and I'm wondering if
    it is really an issue if they are sometimes used in just the meaning
    they have as English words. They are English words that have their
    meaning in the English language, so why are they loosing their meaning
    if they are sometimes used in the very particular meaning defined by the
    control language? Not being an English native speaker, I'm also
    wondering whether there is always an alternative phrase one could use.
    Anyway, I have also no objections if we remove the "bold" convention,
    provided that we carefully check each individual case whether
    interpreting the "may", "should" as a keyword still would be correct.
    > 2) In the same section, 1.2 "Notation" we should also explain the textual 
    > and typographical convention used for denoting quoted element names, 
    > attribute names and attribute values.  I've seen one reviewer confused by 
    > this, so it is worth stating the convention (monospace) explicitly.
    +1. I think Patrick can just add something.
    > 3) In section 1.5, "Document Processing and Conformance", the document 
    > processing piece is out of place.  Obviously we may have document 
    > processing conformance requirements, but the OASIS guidelines suggest that 
    > these be stated under the appropriate  conformance "target", i.e., 
    > Consumer or Producer, and not set into its own clause.  In other words, if 
    > we put Document Processing into its own section, then we can point to it 
    > from the Conformance clause.
    What you mean by this is probably that there should be one section
    "Conformance" and one section "Document processing", but no section
    "Document processing and conformance" anymore. Would be okay for me.
    > 4). The heading of 1.4 are not consistent.  In some cases the top level 
    > headers, like 1.4.4 "Consumer Conformance" indicate a conformance clause. 
    > But in other cases, like 1.4.3 "Producer Conformance" no provisions are 
    > expressed.  1.4.3 is merely used to group and  Maybe this 
    > is OK?
    If I remember it correctly, then the ISO directives do not allow to have
    a section that has just one sub section.  We have two producer classes
    but only one consumer class. If we want to group the consumers then we
    get the structure we have right now.
    > 5) I recommend that section 1.4 be called "Conformance". If we want to 
    > have a separate section on "Document Processing" then that is OK.  If we 
    > want to specify document processing provisions in section 1.4, then that 
    > is OK.  But we should have 1.4 be clearly and unambiguously be called 
    > "Conformance".
    That's okay for me.
    > 6) is either circular or insufficiently defined  We have now "A 
    > conforming OpenDocument document shall adhere to the specification 
    > described in this document...".  But what does it mean to "adhere"?  If 
    > this is the same as to conform, then this is circular.  If it means 
    > something else, then it is undefined.  So the question is:  Did we mean to 
    > require something here?  If so, what?
    SVG uses a similar phrase:
    My reading of this is that a conforming document must not only meet the
    requirements we state in the conformance section, but all we state in
    the specification document, unless they are marked informative. Maybe it
    is not required to explicitly state that. Maybe native English speakers
    find a better phrase for this.
    > 7) 1.4.2 "If the document is an OpenDocument package..."  this is circular 
    > as well, since we don't define "OpenDocument package" except in Part 3. So 
    > we're really saying "if the document is A, then it shall conform with A". 
    > To me it feels like there are two conformance targets masquerading as one 
    > here: Packaged ODF Document and Single XML File ODF Document.  If we 
    > define these each as their own conformance target, then we can easily 
    > combine them and say "A conforming OpenDocument document is either a 
    > Packaged ODF Document or a Single XML File ODF Document."  In other words, 
    > build the definition up from the individual targets.  Otherwise we get 
    > these circular problems.
    That's a good point.
    > 8) I'm not sure I like "conforming" to be part of the name of a 
    > conformance target or conformance class.  If the conformance target is 
    > called "conforming extended opendocument document" then what do you call 
    > it when such a document does not conform?  For example, it has an error in 
    > the core part of the schema and is not valid.  Is it then a "nonconforming 
    > conforming extended opendocument document"? So I would not have 
    > "conforming" be part of the name of any conformance target or class.
    Would removing the italic formatting from the term "conforming" be
    sufficient to address this concern?
    > 9) We mention "schema" and "strict schema" in the conformance clause, but 
    > we don't really connect to it. In many places of the text we refer to "the 
    > schema defined by this specification".  We need to be precise here.  I 
    > think upfront, before we even get to the conformance clause we need to 
    > state something like: "This Part consists of a specification and an 
    > associated schema definition file.  The schema definition file is named 
    > odf12-cd01.rng". Otherwise the reader is lead to believe that the schema 
    > is in the specification.  In fact we should probably be clearer
    +1. A link to the specific schemas is indeed missing. I will think about
    where we best could add it.
    > 10) "It shall not produce any non-conforming OpenDocument 
    > document of any kind" contradicts the next  line "It may produce 
    > conforming OpenDocument extended documents".  A conforming extended 
    > document is not at the same time a conforming non-extended document, so 
    > obviously if a producer may produce an extended document, it is producing 
    > something that is a non-conforming non-extended document.  We can probably 
    > clean this up if have documents declare, with an attribute on the root of 
    > context.xml or via some similar mechanism, which conformance class they 
    > belong to.  That way can be a simple consistency test.
    I agree that this may make sense.
    > 11) says "It shall not produce any non-conforming OpenDocument 
    > document of any kind" while says "It shall not intentionally 
    > create any non-conforming OpenDocument extended documents of any kind.". I 
    > don't think we can test "intent" so we should probably take out that 
    > qualification.
    I wanted to remove the term "intentionally" but seem to have missed that
    > 12) 1.4.4 "parse and interpret" -- I'd like to see if we can make a more 
    > testable requirement here.  It may not be possible, since a Consumer 
    > ranges from a full text editor down to possibly a Zip program or an XML 
    > parser.  Our practical problem is that we have not defined a minimal set 
    > of elements which a Consumer must understand.   In the general case, this 
    > is probably right.  But we might consider also defining conformance 
    > targets according to Appendix D.  So define an "ODF Text Consumer", "ODF 
    > Spreadsheet Consumer", etc. and require interpretation of corresponding 
    > ODF features.   I think this would be a tremendous gain for 
    > interoperability.
    I agree that this may make sense.
    Best regards
    Michael Brauer, Technical Architect Software Engineering
    Sun Microsystems GmbH             Nagelsweg 55
    D-20097 Hamburg, Germany          michael.brauer@sun.com
    http://sun.com/staroffice         +49 40 23646 500
    Sitz der Gesellschaft: Sun Microsystems GmbH, Sonnenallee 1,
    	   D-85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten
    Amtsgericht Muenchen: HRB 161028
    Geschaeftsfuehrer: Thomas Schroeder, Wolfgang Engels, Dr. Roland Boemer
    Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Martin Haering

  • 2.  RE: [office] Conformance, Specification Quality and OASIS Recommendations

    Posted 03-02-2009 20:07
    I have looked over Rob's proposal and Michael's response in formulating my
    own analysis here.
    It is my thinking that there is mostly alignment on the items below and we
    are now refining the treatment.  I use Rob's numbering (with its implicit
    I don't see obvious solution to items 8+10.  I think we need to look at the
    cases more carefully and determine what language works.  We might want to
    factor those two out for more-careful separate examination while going ahead
    with the other bits.
     - Dennis
    I find the guidelines valuable and I believe we should work to honor their
    spirit as well as we can.  I find the checklist at the end a very good test
    of how well we have done.
    I want to point out that the current OASIS Templates for specifications
    require that the conformance section be the *final* non-appendix section of
    the specification.
    I am fond of the bold-face terms.  However, I think that whether or not we
    use the bold (or capitalized, in plaintext) presentation, we should not use
    those terms in any other way.  That way, there is no ambiguity on whether or
    not we have forgotten to use bold or the bolding is an editorial mistake.
    With regard to language, my experience is that where words like "may" and
    "may not" are used, it is often the case that such statements are extraneous
    or, if felt important as descriptive information, "can" and "can not" should
    be used as observations concerning possibility, not requirement,
    optionality, or permission.  (Note that the automatic text used in the
    cross-references about where elements and attributes can occur is best
    restated using can rather than may, since MAY and NEED NOT must tie to a
    conformance target and the use of CAN and CAN NOT do not have that
    I think as we review the specification to eliminate or replace over-casual
    language and assure that we have established the desired connection to a
    conformance target, this will be sorted out.
    Also, if we take on an approach where (1) every normative statement be set
    off and identifiable for cross-reference purposes and that (2) each such
    statement makes its conformance target explicit, we will train ourselves to
    be stingy with the use of those terms.
    Agreed.  We should indicate the use of monospace and quoted terms that
    represent literal items of an XML document.
    The additional notational convention around the understood namespace
    bindings for prefixes and QNames used in the specification can be there or
    in 1.3 where namespaces are described.  (Now that I see this discussion, I
    rather favor the idea of putting it in as simply notation.)
    I agree to the separation.  The Conformance Section should move to the end
    of specification, satisfying the current OASIS Template for specifications.
    The Document Processing section can remain where the combined section is
    I think this is an editorial concern that we should address, but we can
    refine that as we go, so long as there are no forward references to them.
    (We do need to think about that, though.)
    I think Conformance and Document Processing should be separated (see 3), so
    the simplified naming follows.
    This does take further work.  We also have to deal with the different
    document types/structures involving assemblages of XML documents in a
    package and in single XML documents, and how they are even usable together.
    This may be an open challenge.
    In some cases, the problem is that we are being too informal.  For example,
    as I recall, we speak of packages as a representation of ODF Documents.  It
    becomes useful to say, "When an ODF Document is represented in a package ...
    " As opposed to speaking of "When an ODF Document is an ODF Package," etc.  
    [[Off topic: I was reminded of how important it can be to maintain a formal
    distinction by the way the [xml-names] specification distinguishes between
    an XML namespace (semantic notion), expanded name (semantic notion),
    namespace name (semantic notion), and local name (semantic notion) from (1)
    how a namespace is identified (the URI reference) and (2) the
    syntactical/lexical forms that have those semantic interpretations:
    qualified name, QName, local part, etc.  It is difficult to get this exactly
    right, and I could not swear that [xml-names] does it perfectly.  But there
    are ways we can avoid mistakes of name and mention and use, and of form
    versus interpretation.]]   
    I agree that we need to simplify here.  I also notice that there is already
    a problem with the terms in use and there may be a problem with statements
    in the specification.  
    8.1 The second problem is that we speak of conditions that apply to
    conformant or conforming documents in many places in the specification.
    These conditions apply equally to extended documents but it is not obvious
    how to establish that.
     8.1.1 One way to do this is to have the conformant documents be a subset of
    the extended documents.  That is usually how this is done, and it is all
    right technically but probably not satisfying.  Another way is to be more
    explicit about the conformant document that must be derivable from any
    extended document.  That may be the only way to carry out the current
    two-level approach.
     8.1.2 Another way, which I expect is even more objectionable, is to have
    extended ODF documents and pure ODF documents and have them be,
    collectively, conformant documents.  See 8.2.
    8.2 The first problem is that people are already wanting to make
    qualification of the use of conforming document to emphasize that what is
    meant is the pure/plain conformant document and not any extended document.
    I see "pure" and "minimal" used this way, each reflecting a position on the
    part of the user.  Likewise I have already encountered more-pejorative
    substitutes for "extended."  
    8.3 We are also running into problems with our own cookie cutter, seeming to
    neglect the case where a consumer may well accommodate some foreign elements
    and attributes while failing to support/recognize others.  Similarly, an
    extended producer is not confined to producing only extended documents, as I
    see it, although a conforming producer is confined to producing only
    conforming documents.  An output from an extended producer can be a
    conforming document.  Our language may need to be more nuanced in these
    respects.  (See 10 below)
    9. SCHEMAS  
    It is my impression that there is now only one schema for the principle
    OpenDocument document structure.   That is, the one schema file provides
    exactly what the strict schema file provided, but flattened into a single
    Discussion of there being a strict schema needs to be removed, as should the
    Appendix on that topic.
    This point comes at the subset question.  If conforming documents are not
    subsets of the extended documents, then we need to be very careful about
    what an extended producer is, what we mean when we say conforming/conformant
    in many places in the specification, and also how we defined extended
    If an extended document is one that DOES have (rather than CAN have) foreign
    elements and attributes (and maybe other things that quack like extensions
    or implementation-determined-only features), that might work but the
    connection to conformant document must be drawn more carefully.  I stumble
    upon this under (8) as well.
    Yes, get rid of that.
    I think there are two parts to this.  One is using a better term than "parse
    and interpret."  The other is to define conformance targets better.   
    I want to point out that the schema does provide minimum structures for the
    different document types although omitting content.xml from a package does
    leave an odd case not accounted for in the schema.  We should connect the
    dots better though.
    If we want to add core levels tied to the kind of feature support
    illustrated in the non-normative Appendix, that would be interesting but I
    would not want us to attempt that at this point (preferring to see ODF 1.2
    be completed in my lifetime).  I think that is seriously an ODF-Next
    challenge, hopefully with substantial material available from the Adoption
    and Interoperability and Conformance TCs as well as other stakeholder

  • 3.  Re: [office] Conformance, Specification Quality and OASIS Recommendations

    Posted 03-08-2009 00:58
    Michael.Brauer@Sun.COM wrote on 03/02/2009 11:25:46 AM:
    > > 
    > > 6) is either circular or insufficiently defined  We have now 
    > > conforming OpenDocument document shall adhere to the specification 
    > > described in this document...".  But what does it mean to "adhere"? If 
    > > this is the same as to conform, then this is circular.  If it means 
    > > something else, then it is undefined.  So the question is:  Did we 
    mean to 
    > > require something here?  If so, what?
    > SVG uses a similar phrase:
    > http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/conform.html#ConformingSVGDocuments
    > My reading of this is that a conforming document must not only meet the
    > requirements we state in the conformance section, but all we state in
    > the specification document, unless they are marked informative. Maybe it
    > is not required to explicitly state that. Maybe native English speakers
    > find a better phrase for this.
    I look at it like this.  We have normative statements scattered throughout 
    the text.  When we convert many of the must's into shall's we will have 
    even more.  However, the vast majority of them make no reference to a 
    conformance target or a conformance clause.   So if we say, deep in the 
    description of an element we state a requirement, if it is not somehow 
    connected to a conformance target and class, it is essentially a broken 
    reference.  We state "shall" but not what conformance requires it.
    Perhaps it would be useful to review a few examples of what these 
    additional constraints are for conformant documents.  We already require 
    validity to the schema and conformance to the packaging specification. Are 
    there hundreds of additional requirements for documents, or just a 
    handful?  We have requirements on referential integrity between styles.xml 
    and content.xml.  We might call that out explicitly. 
    > > 8) I'm not sure I like "conforming" to be part of the name of a 
    > > conformance target or conformance class.  If the conformance target is 
    > > called "conforming extended opendocument document" then what do you 
    > > it when such a document does not conform?  For example, it has an 
    error in 
    > > the core part of the schema and is not valid.  Is it then a 
    > > conforming extended opendocument document"? So I would not have 
    > > "conforming" be part of the name of any conformance target or class.
    > Would removing the italic formatting from the term "conforming" be
    > sufficient to address this concern?
    That would be good.
    > > 
    > > 12) 1.4.4 "parse and interpret" -- I'd like to see if we can make a 
    > > testable requirement here.  It may not be possible, since a Consumer 
    > > ranges from a full text editor down to possibly a Zip program or an 
    > > parser.  Our practical problem is that we have not defined a minimal 
    > > of elements which a Consumer must understand.   In the general case, 
    > > is probably right.  But we might consider also defining conformance 
    > > targets according to Appendix D.  So define an "ODF Text Consumer", 
    > > Spreadsheet Consumer", etc. and require interpretation of 
    > > ODF features.   I think this would be a tremendous gain for 
    > > interoperability.
    > I agree that this may make sense.
    I think we should at least define:
    ODF Text Document
    ODF Spreadsheet Document
    ODF Presentation Document
    ODF Text Document Producer
    ODF Spreadsheet Document Producer
    ODF Presentation Document Producer
    ODF Text Document Consumer
    ODF Spreadsheet Document Consumer
    ODF Presentation Document Consumer
    Requirements would be:
    1) Be a conforming ODF document, consumer or producer, AND
    2) Use the correct registered mime-types according to Appendix C (which 
    would then become normative) AND
    3) Process features corresponding to the declared mime-type according to 
    Appendix D (which would then become normative).
    Note that this would not change the conformance status of any existing 
    application or document.  So if an existing application, for example, does 
    not support "filters", then it could still be a conforming ODF Consumer, 
    but it would not be a conforming ODF Spreadsheet Document Consumer.  In 
    other words, this would introduce additional conformance targets with a 
    "higher floor".

  • 4.  RE: [office] Conformance, Specification Quality and OASIS Recommendations

    Posted 03-08-2009 14:44
    I favor your suggestions.  Definitely +1.
    I have two observations.  
    8. Non-conforming ODF Documents (under topic 8).  
       8.1 I don't think there is any such thing as a "non-conforming ... ODF
    Document."  An artifact that does not satisfy one of the conformance targets
    for an ODF Document is not (a representation of) an ODF Document (of that
       8.2 Some artifacts may be just a little-bit non-pregnant with ODF
    goodness, but I don't think we need to worry about that, tolerance for bugs,
    etc.  It is a practical matter, but I know of no meaningful way to define a
    near-ODF Document.
       8.3 To the extent that it is arguable whether or not an artifact does or
    does not satisfy one of the conformance targets, we have work to do.  
       8.4 We might also provide some guidance on what a conforming processor
    might do to attempt to find the pony in an artifact that fails to satisfy a
    conformance target but can somehow be construed as an ODF Document
    representation, just as we have (loose) guidance on construing an extended
    ODF Document as a (mumble) conformant ODF Document.  
       8.5 As a matter of practice, I think we should not speak of thingies that
    fail to satisfy a conformance target as ODF documents of any flavor.  (There
    are philosophical objections to speaking this way too, but we don't need to
    go down that road.)
    12. Document Types and Higher Floors (under topic 12).
       12.1 I am completely aligned with the need to identify the different
    document types that we propose to recognize in a normative way, and
    connecting the dots around MIME types,